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[Yumi'S P.O.V]


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Our journey continues as we approach the second ingredient on our list, ginseng oil. To obtain the previously mentioned material, we must first locate a pink flower known as Panax, which provides the required oil.

Looking at my phone, I read the flower's description once more. It is said that when encountering the Panax flower, we should wear a mask to cover our lips and noses to prevent sniffing its scent.

With just one sniff of this lovely plant, an individual will be high and intoxicated in seconds. Although there is no reason to be concerned if one has inhaled the smell, it will take an hour to recover from the aftermath, and to avoid any injuries, it is essential for a companion to keep an eye on the victim.

Seungcheol then inquired, "So where do we find this oil?" after I read the description aloud for everyone to hear.

We were all in a pickle. We had no idea where to search or which direction to take because we were unfamiliar with the island.

Instead of looking around, we looked for any relevant clues on our cell phones. We were all focused. But suddenly, Joshua overheard him chit chatting next to him.

The voices sounded unnatural, and they were a touch high-pitched to him, as if they had swallowed helium to change the tone of their voices.

He turned around, astonished to see that they were not alone. He noticed two red pairs of rubies glistening among the shrubs nearby.

While he was staring at it intently, the rubies vanished for a few seconds, as if someone had blinked.

This made the youngster realize that the voices he heard and the eyes he saw were those of monsters.

Everyone was still focused on their phones, and it was difficult to find clues. Jeonghan grew irritated that his search was not yielding any results. He exhaled a distressed sigh as he lifted his head.

He then noticed Joshua's horrified expression as the boy fixed his gaze on the woods. This worried the clown. So he asked the boy what was wrong, and without looking back, Joshua pointed to the woods, where his gaze was fixated.

"O-over there," he shakily said.

We shifted our gaze to where the zoologist was pointing. The glowing eyes he had seen had multiplied, and there were now hundreds of pairs hidden around them. Creepily staring back at us.

"W-what are those?" Wonwoo inquired, horrified.

"S-snakes," Joshua whispered.

As they slithered out, these nasty reptiles hissed in unison. We back up in the center of the muddy road as they creep closer and closer, encircling us.

We were trapped and had no idea what to do.

"Is it the bashes?" guessed Jeonghan. He observed the same horns he remembered seeing on his first mission among the snakes.

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