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They returned to the Poffice Guild after the forest fire incident and decided to relax on the second-floor indoor balcony loft.

Many things had happened, and all of the hunters were both mentally and physically drained. But they can't simply disregard what just transpired. Particularly with Zhoid.

They couldn't log out to take a break from the game, no matter how badly they wanted to. The log-out button isn't lit up, indicating that they haven't completed a suitable mission in order to exit the game. The game's mini-quest must not have included saving the forest.

Yumi noticed Mingyu, who was sitting beside her, nervously shaking his legs. She shifted her sight to him, noticing the man quietly staring at thin air as his hands clenched together, frantically shivering from what had happened.

She was about to stretch out her hand to grab him, but Seungcheol beat her to it, tenderly grasping his hands and smiling reassuringly.

Seeing how much each member cares about one another made her smile; it was simply so wholesome, and she was able to relax a little knowing she and Mingyu weren't alone in this.

Dia and Freya returned to the Poffice guild after a few minutes of patiently waiting. Yumi peered down when she heard the bell of the door opening, showing her presence.

"Oh, Yumi!" Dia exclaimed as they both made their way upstairs.

"Hey, sorry for intruding on the guild. The Poffice was the nearest building we could rest in."

"I'm just thankful for your help."

They were able to save the forest and some of the animals and humans who lived there, thanks to their assistance. Even so, Mingyu was still concerned about the hunters they'd seen burn in the fire as a result of the human monster, the Manananggal.

"W-what about... those hunters?" he shakily inquired.

"We let the knights handle those who unfortunately passed away," Freya said, as the huntsmen nodded in response.

It was an unfortunate fate for those hunters, but no matter how they saw it, the outcome would not be favorable.

They might have outnumbered the creature, but she was too powerful for them, and a sword or a gun would not have sufficed.

Now that they were all gathered together, Mingyu, Yumi, and Seungcheol proceeded to share what happened and what they had seen.

Apparently, the others observed Mingyu's near-death experience, which is why Jun was able to save him. But they did not know the entire narrative.

Every aspect was revealed, and when Yumi described a man named Zhoid saving the Manananggal, everyone was taken aback. But when they learned that Ghuine's new name was Zhoid, it shocked them even more.

"Ghuine? You mean the person you and Mingyu fought against at the cooking competition, Ghuine?" Seungkwan asked in an absolutely dumbfounded tone.

Yumi nodded. "Yep, that Ghuine."

When he heard her reply, Boo scoffed in incredulity, and the others did as well.

"Mingyu is one of his targets, which means his other target could be us," Jeonghan speculated aloud.

"Why?" Dia inquired.

"We're close friends with Gyu; maybe that's why," Angela explained.

"Anyone close to Mingyu is automatically an enemy of that Ghuine guy." Everyone anxiously shifted to Freya, who flinched at the attention she was getting and quickly added, "This is just my theory."

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