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In her 29 years of existence, Yumi has never imagined herself battling against a half-demon, half-human monster in her entire life. And she has never considered being killed in such a horrific manner.

However, after coming face-to-face with the monster, she realized she still wanted to live. Even if it doesn't show, she wanted to keep going and enjoy so much more with the boy's companionship, and she isn't going to let this stop her.

"On your marks," Zhoid said, "get set." Her hands clenched uncomfortably, and she could feel sweat forming on her palm.

"Ready." She huffed deeply as she planned her assault but couldn't because of the dreaded thoughts racing through her mind. "FIGHT!" And in the blink of an eye, the opponent teleported right behind the woman after announcing the start of the battle.

"Noona, behind you!"

She was able to stop her opponent's kick thanks to Seungkwan's assistance, but the momentum sent her flying a little back; however, she was able to slide on her feet, saving herself from injury.

Zhoid glared at the youngster and used his power to zip his lips together, stopping him from speaking throughout the combat.

"No talking during the battle." He warned, "And if you do, your friend will immediately be eliminated. This is your first and last warning."

They had no choice but to follow the regulations for Yumi's safety, no matter how badly they wanted to help. She was no longer immortal, and they didn't want another of their close friends to perish.

All they could do was huff unnervingly from their noses as they stood and watched the battle, feeling helpless as the beating of their hearts rose fearfully.

The Manananggal multiplied and surrounded her, leaving her nowhere to escape.

In a hurry, she cursed, "Shit." If her corners and sides were barred, the only way out was above her. Taking advantage of the situation, she whirled, allowing the wind tornado to lift her up and away from their attack.

"Master, let me help you!" Art exclaimed as she approached her, but Zhoid became enraged.

"No. Assist," he shouted angrily as he used telekinesis to control her body and threw her into the wall.

"ART!" Yumi cried in panic as she dashed after her partner, saving her just inches before her skull collided with the wall. Which put her at ease, knowing she had saved her before things went worse.

"Art, stay with the boys. I don't want you to be in danger."


"Just do what I say; I'll be fine," she reassured as the fairy proceeded unwillingly towards the boys, where it was secure. Her anger was evident in her sigh. While dropping to the ground, she scowled at Zhoid, and the tornado vanished.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't murder my familiar," she added in a serious tone, and he smirked.

"All rules broken will have consequences," he stated, infuriating Yumi even more.

From the look on his face, this was truly all just a game to him. The woman couldn't keep her rage in check as she felt her blood boil inside her and her body temperature rise.

She now believed that the man who would continue to act so callously, who would easily toss away an innocent being's life, was indeed a devil. Yumi was more than willing to defend herself and her loved ones if that was how he was going to act till the end of his life.

Yumi drew a deep breath in and out as she watched the Manananggal launch for the woman with her long, sharp claws out, taking advantage of the Imaginators frozen posture.

[SVT] SEVENTEEN Fanfiction || G.A.M.E.S : Gotta MakE it and SurviveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora