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There is a monster that hunts for men in their 20s. They target attractive men. They'd suck their blood because attractive males in their twenties are the most delectable.

When they ate their prey, they'd sing a tune, so beware of the monster. Because you never know, the person you're with could be the man-eating monster, Mananggal.

'Mommy, Daddy, I want someone pretty. Sister, Brother, I want to devour. Once you are with me, there's no escaping now. I'll even count to three before I put you in my mouth. 1, 2, 3.'


[Author's P.O.V]

The boys, Yumi and Angela, were inside a carriage on their way to Jizel Kingdom. The cause of their voyage to the Kingdom, so far away from where they initially lived, is a long story.

To summarize, they were informed that there is a popular monster that roams the realm, consuming people—particularly young guys.

There were only a few Jizel hunters available to assist with the task, so Heric thought it would be a good idea to take on this job because they were immortal and it would be a simple task for them.

They also have 16 members on their hunting squad. That was enough to track down the aforementioned monster.

When they are just up against one monster, they have an advantage in eliminating it. But, having learned from the previous expedition, they shouldn't underestimate what they were up against.

On the way to the Kingdom, the boys were watching Jeonghan and Jihoon play trump cards, intrigued by the game in front of them.

As Jeonghan puffed anxiously, Jihoon quietly smirked at his hyung. The elder had one card left, while the younger had two, and Jeonghan could only choose one of Jihoon's cards.

He must pick carefully and wisely, since if he makes the wrong decision, he will lose.

Jeonghan chose one card after contemplating which ones to choose, and as he flipped it, he screamed with delight.

Jihoon sighed, realizing he'd just lost. "Gahd-dang it, Jeonghan Hyung is too strong," he sulked.

"You'll get your revenge next time, Hyung. Jeonghan Hyung only won because he had luck on his side." Chan comforted him as the clown snickered.

"You just don't want to admit that I'm this good at games," he bragged.

"Knowing you cheat in every game, it's hard to tell."

"Are we there yet?" Seungcheol inquired as he gazed out the window.

"We're almost there, Cheol; just a few more minutes," Yumi said.

Because it was their first contact with a Manananggal, everyone was fascinated by how the creature appeared and what power it possessed.

However, based on the information provided, they expected it to be frightening and nasty. It was deemed to be a human monster, a rare kind.

Yumi, the driver, noticed the inspection gate in front of her a few minutes later. "Guys, we're here!" she said as she pulled up to the side of the road and jumped out.

The lads and Angela followed them out of the carriage one by one. When they got out, a breeze welcomed them to the Jizel Kingdom, which was proudly standing directly in front of them.

"Now that we've arrived, we have to find a place to stay!" Angela exclaimed, excitedly poking Yumi's arm.

"Well, about that..."

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