Ch. 15

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“James! James! It’s Killian and James day!” I’m woken up by the excited child jumping up and down on my bed.

It’s amazing how far they’ve come since I first picked them up from California. I mean they used to hide in their rooms until I called them down for dinner. Just spending time with them at the office has done wonders for our relationships, but now it’s time to get to know the triplets individually.

“JAMES GET UP!” Killian yells right into my ear.

Moaning, “I’m up. I’m up.” Painfully, I sit up on my bed, carefully avoiding the child still jumping up and down on my bed. “Killian, get down. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“Monkeys! Monkeys jumping on the bed!” He screams, still jumping up and down.

I quickly grab hold of his torso, pulling him down to me so I can tickle his belly. “Don’t fall down and bump your head. My little monkey.”

He tries to hold back his giggles, but they still manage to slip past his lips every time he tries to speak.. “James! Let me go! Please! Stop! Don’t”

“Fine,” I drag out. “Let’s go. I can make some monkey pancakes for my little monkey.” I tease him. Holding him up by his hips I playfully toss him around making him giggle even more. Each time I hear that laugh of his, the smile on my face grows even bigger.

I keep swinging him around until we reach the kitchen. “Alright, my little monkey, how about we let your siblings have some pancakes with you.”

Killian nods excitedly, but doesn’t move from his spot. “Can I help you make them first?”

“Of course!” I say with as much excitement as possible.

We start pulling out the ingredients, when suddenly he jumps up, “Can we put bananas in it to make it more monkey-ish?”

My grin spreads across my face, “That’s a great idea!”

“Yay,” He cheers.

I grab the bunch of bananas and start slicing them. Killian mixes the ingredients together as I tell him how much of each to add. As he tries to scoop the flour, it flies right in my face.

“You little brat, I’ll get you back.” I tease him. Pulling back the flour from his hands, I toss some on his face.

Killian immediately grabs the bag of powdered sugar to throw more at me. We keep throwing it at each other until he runs out and grabs an egg.

“NO! Don’t you dare!” I growl as he tries to break it over my head.

Once we’ve run out of ammo to throw each other, I look around at the mess we made and laugh hysterically.

Thankfully our mess didn’t affect the batter Killian had already made, so I sent him upstairs to shower and get his siblings while I finished cooking.

Bored from the lack of kids surrounding me, I turn on some music. Dancing to the beat, I manage to keep watch on the pancakes and not burn them.

At some point all three triplets joined me as we danced around having fun in the huge mess from earlier. We dance for a few more songs and at one point I put on the macarena. They don't know how to dance it, so I lead them through the steps. By the end of the song we are all laughing and giggling. Then I announce, much to their disappointment, that it's time to eat.

"We made monkey pancakes!" I try cheering them up.

"Wait James, these look nothing like monkeys!" Killian whines.

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