Ch. 26

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James’ POV

Maggie’s visit was very helpful. She taught me a few recipes for dinner and helped me learn what was really going on with the kids.

She scared me for a minute though. I thought I had messed up again and that she was taking the kids. But now I know that I might be able to trust my dad, but not my mom. I doubt I could have kept her away without Maggie telling me to do it.

My mother has always been able to manipulate me to do what she wants, so Maggie’s confirmation helped me see what I was blind to.

God I feel so weak,. I just let her walk all over me. It didn’t matter how much she did to hurt me or used me, I still was a loyal little dog doing everything she asked.

Why aren’t I stronger? What can’t I say no to her? Why do I crave her affection? Her praise? Her love? How do I stop?

She even called me to pay off my father’s debts knowing full well that he would never stop without seeing the real consequences.

I know that he’s trying, but he still has connections with so many people in the underworld for gambling. A few of them have even called me to ask why he wasn’t coming to place bets with them anymore. Some even were angry that he might have found another bookie.

The triplets have decided that my father will be allowed to have a trial run with them. He’s picking them up from school today and will have a few hours with them before I get home. The triplets are wearing their bracelets almost daily though, so that makes me feel better about leaving them alone with him.

To say that I’m nervous is an understatement. I’m almost tempted to leave work early and go all stalkery to follow them, but the triplets actually made me promise not to do that.

They seem to trust him a lot. I know they don’t know why I don’t trust him, but still. They seem too comfortable.

Am I being too paranoid? Is this just me? Should I stop being so afraid of the possibilities? Am I a helicopter parent? Is that a bad thing?

UGGH. Too many questions!

I just… need to know that the triplets are safe. And if they have their bracelets everything will be ok. It has to be.

GRRRR. I frustratedly spin around in the desk chair and growl angrily. James, get a hold of yourself! They will be fine! Now focus on all this work!

Pulling the next piece of work towards myself, I do my best to focus on my business again.

To keep my mind focused I start muttering, “OK so the client is Mary… She needs… OH FUCK THIS.”

Grabbing my phone from my desk, I push roughly out of my chair to leave the room. As I pass by Silvia’s desk though, she glares at me. “Where do you think you’re going?” she demands.

I freeze in my tracks. Damnit the triplets probably called her. “Out. I can’t focus.”

“Oh no you don’t,” She says like a disapproving mother. “If you don’t finish that paperwork today we’ll lose the client and with the new hires the business can’t afford to lose money right now.”

“But it’s not like I’m actually getting anything done right now.” I complain and pout.

A light chuckle sounds from Silvia’s lips, “Sounds like those kids of yours are rubbing off on you. But you still aren’t allowed to leave.”

“And why not?” I challenge her.

She grins sheepishly, “I’m on orders from the triplets.”

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