Chapter Eight || Anger

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February 14, 1989
Jacobo Rimes High
Markovna's POV

"That class sucked dick." Blair muttered as we left the classroom. She was in a real bad mood today. I've been worried about her lately. Especially ever since the revelation.

"Oh, perk up Blair! You can make the best of today!" We heard gleefully from behind us. Blair stopped, winced and turned around.

There stood Penni. Ponytail and all.

"Penni." Blair groaned. She really hates Penni. She won't tell me why, but it seems serious.

"So girls! Are you going to sign up for the spring fling committee?" She asked cheerfully. She leaped mid sentence, causing her huge boobs to almost hit me. Ew.

"No, Penni. In fact, we don't give a shit and a half about your dumb spring fling." Blair spat.

Penni's face turns sinister. She looked her dead in the eyes cruelly.

"Listen here, you little bitch. I don't know who spit in your coffee this morning, but you better clean up your fucking act before I tell on you to-"

"Ooh!" Blair laughed. "Tell on me to who? The principal? I don't know if you remember this or not, but Mr. Rimes is my father! I'm of the infamous Rimes family!" She starred at Penni, smirking. Then she leaned in. "Just to let you know." She whispered.

Blair grabbed my arm and tugged me off, being sure to flip off Penni before rounding the corner. I looked back and her mouth was hanging open.

"She's gonna catch flies if she don't shut her trap!" Blair said through clenched teeth. "Did you see her? Her fucking stupid eyebrows are so high, that if she raised those fuckers anymore, they'd become part of her hairline!"

I nodded, looking over at Blair, who was flushed out. I stopped, walking into the bathroom, her close behind.

"Hey, what gives?" Blair said as we entered the room.

I checked all the stalls to make sure that nobody was in there.

"Blair, why do you hate Penni? She was just trying to be... Nice...?" I asked walking towards her.

She gritted her teeth, leaning against the sinks. "I don't wanna talk about it, Markovna. It's just a thing."

I propped myself up on the sink and leaned against the wall. "Blair, it's not like I have anyone to tell! My only friends consist of you, the Corey's, Jamie and Scott."

Blair cringed at the sound of Jamie's name. "You really wanna know? And you won't tell?"

I nodded, curling my knees to my chest. I balled my dress up at the bottom out of boredom, releasing it slowly.

"Okay... So me and Corey. We've been together for probably a year and a half now. But before me, he was dating this one girl. Very pristine, very perfect and very bitchy."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, but then I realized who she was talking about.

"Penni?" I asked, knowing that it was totally obvious.

She nodded, wiping fresh tears from her cheeks. "And do you know what happened?"

I shook my head, not knowing what to say. She leaned on my arm as I stroked her head. "What happened?"

She started sniffling, finally breathing properly. "They had a baby, that's what happened. It was sick! They had only been together for three months when she got pregnant. Of course, she gave it up for adoption but Corey is really saddened by it."

"How do you know?"

"I read it in his journal. Penni is mentioned on almost every page. He's like... Obsessed with her."

I wrapped an arm around her and held her close. "He's just butt hurt that he can't impregnant you like he desires."

Then I realized what I'd said. Fuck.

"I can't ever get pregnant, you dumb fuck! I have fucking HIV!" She screamed, nearly shattering my ear drums.

"Calm down, Blair. Just take a minute and cool off." She stared at me in anger, her face turning red.

"You know, I'll see you tomorrow." Blair said, breaking from my embrace and rushing out of the bathroom quickly.

I slinked off of the counter, confused and annoyed. I've only been here for two weeks and everything is already beginning to travel downhill...



So lovelies, keep doing what you're doing and I'll quadruple update tomorrow!!
I love you all!! Have a beautiful day/night! Stay strong .x ❤️ Hill

One Last Time  {Book One}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora