Chapter Eighteen || A&S

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March 24, 1989
Mrs. Abramovitz's car
Markovna's POV

"Why did you all of a sudden decide to do this?" My mother whispered as she rounded a sharp turn on the 103.

I winced at what I was thinking, how Corey betrayed me. "Amelia said I could die from childbirth at my age, mom."

A lie.

"And besides, I really didn't want the baby anyways."

Another lie.

"It's for the best."

There I go again with my fucking lying.

My mom reached a hand over and clasped it on my hand, squeezing gently. We were about ten minutes away from the house. We live three towns away from the nearest abortion centre, so that makes a three hour drive. Then we had a four hour wait, and then another three hour drive. Ten hours of my life, wasted, because of Corey.

"Markovna, do you love that boy?" My mother said lowly. My eyes widened in surprise.

I wanted to say no.

"Mom, I... I don't know." I removed my hand from her and curled my knees to my now sore stomach. "It's complicated." I've never been really open to my mom. Not since the accident.

"Baby, I want you to know that just because you hit rough patches in a relationship, it doesn't make it any lesser of what it already was."

"And what's that, mom?" I smirked, looking out the window.

"You and Corey... I know that you work well together. I know that he isn't the ideal boy that you'd want to bring home to meet me and your father bu-"

"Mom, dad is gone." I sighed. "Jeff isn't my dad."

I like Jeff, I really do. It's just that he and my mom got together so unexpectedly. It scared me then, and it scares me now. What's really scary is his past.

"Markovna, now don't go taking your bitterness out on Jeff. You're lucky I didn't even tell him about this. He would've killed that boy." My mother chuckled, finally turning onto our street.

As we approached my house, I noticed the police cars and the ambulance lined up on the road.

"What in the name of..." My mom trailed off. That's when we saw it.

The gurney being wheeled out of our house, the person covered in a cloth.

"Mom... Mom..." I felt shaky.

Mom parked across the street from our house and we quickly got out, rushing across the closed off street. There were a lot of people gathered around here. It was kinda scary.

We made it to the door which was wide open. My mom ran into the living room where she and I could hear screaming. I followed behind. Laurente was curled up on the couch in a ball, crying and screaming. There was a paramedic trying to give her a needle, probably anesthetic. Jeff was leaning against the wall, his face red with anger and tear stains all over. My mom looked around at everyone confused. She looked terrified. I've never seen my mother look so I'll in my life. I've never seen Laurente look so... Innocent and fearful.

"W-what happened?" I spoke up. Laurente looked up at me with tears flowing out of her eyes quickly. She heaved a huge breath and looked at me.

"Amelia's dead..." She whispered.

I felt my heart stop and start three times. This isn't actually happening. My mother ran to Jeff to console him.

I couldn't cry. I just couldn't.

I walked into the kitchen with a hand pressed to my forehead. Where is my mind?

Well frickity frackle!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's kinda cliché, but

Too. Fucking. Bad.

Stay beautiful, gold and strong!

.x ❤️ Hill

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