Chapter Fifteen || Emergency

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"Markovna? This is Judy, Corey's mom." She sobbed.

"Yes, Ms. Haim. This is Markovna." I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's the matter?"

I heard loud sobbing and then Ms. Haim started talking again.

"Corey... He's been in an accident."

An accident!? What kind of an accident!? Now I'm freaking.

"Oh my god... Ms. Haim, what happened?"

Ms. Haim took a couple deep breaths and then resumed her speech.

"His car went off the road. He's in cri-critical cond-condition."


March 17, 1989
Markovna's POV

"Hello, I'm here fo-" I wiped my nose on my sleeve. "Corey Haim. Where is he?"

The nurse at the desk flipped through a book she had laying in front of her. Jesus, this woman is creepy. She has this gross magenta lipstick smeared on her. It's mostly on her teeth though so you barely see it. Her glasses are halfway down her face and her hair... THE HAIR.

"Room 222." She said sternly. "Do you need an escort?"

"I'm fine. I'm..." I started crying as Laurente led me away from the hag at the desk.

"It's okay, Markovna. Sure, Corey is probably dying but-"

"OH MY GOD." I bawled even harder.

"Wrong wordage... Damn."

The rest of the walk down the corridors was in silence. It was nerve wracking. Especially the part when we approached room 222. I couldn't bring myself to knock, so Laurente did it for me. There was no answer, so she pushed open the door, letting me run to Corey's side. His eyes were shut tight. He must be asleep. I sat on an old wicker chair and grabbed his hand.

"Ow, fuck." Corey said lowly.

"I'm sorry." I kissed his cheek gently. He had bruises forming all over and the cuts were just unreal. "Corey, how are you?"

"I've been better."

I turned to Laurente. "Laurente, could you take this," I handed her a five, "and pick Corey up some flowers and a bear?"

"A real bear?"

"Yes, Laurente. Make sure it's a grizzly." I sarcastically snapped back, looking back to Corey.

"Corey, baby. What happened?"

I stared at the IV that was connected to his wrist.





This is a fucking awful mix.

"Some drunk bastard I think. Ran a red light. "He cringed in pain. "I don't know, but I heard that he died at the scene." Corey clenched his teeth in pain. "Ow- I hope he suffered. I mean, look at this!" He motioned to his body.

The tears fell from my eyes one after the other, only a split second apart.

"Corey, I'm so sor-"

"Please don't blame yourself, Kov. It was that old dumbfucks fault. He ran a red light!"

I nodded as Corey touched my cheek softly.

"On the bright side, I only got a concussion and a bunch of gnarly burns!" He snickered, shooting me his killer smirk.

I leaned in close and pecked him on the lips quickly.

"Do you need anything?" I whispered.

He nodded. "Just a little sleep."

"Okay." I bit down on my lip and sat down, trying not to cry. "But I ain't going nowhere."

Corey smiled at me from the bed, reaching a hand over to me.

"I promise, I won't go." I whispered.

"Thank you." He smiled before closing his eyes and dozing off.

I sat there holding his hand, just looking at him. I'm gonna marry him. Not now, but someday. I mean, how could I not? The guy is everything I want.

"Miss. Abramovitz?" I heard from the door.

I turned and saw a nurse standing in the door. She had her arms folded and a hard look on her face.

"Time for you to go." She said sternly.

"Oh, I couldn't. Corey wants me to stay."

"Yes, well... We want you to go." She walked over and grabbed my collar, throwing me out of the room.

"Insane bitch." I muttered.

I stalked out of the hospital and stood outside waiting for Laurente. She either on her way or she's... I noticed her car was missing. Nowhere in sight. "Or she's totally gone." Great.


Corey, aw

Markovna, aw

Nurse, ew

Here's one chapter for mind boggled people!

Updating three chapters later!

Love you all,

.x ❤️ Hill

One Last Time  {Book One}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें