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Gerards POV

Was there words for what I was feeling right now? Adrenaline was mixing with fear and curiosity. From what I saw as I sang, the people watching were really enjoying it. Perry was smiling,obviously happy that he signed us.

The show had flown by and I had just finalized our last song for the night. The crowd cheered, and seemed to mix in with each other as they clapped and cheered. "That was My Chemical Romance live from Jaxx Club." Annouced the intercom over the sound of cheers. We hurried off stage and Perry greeted us. "Astonishing boys, almost as if you were born for this. You all put forth a lot of energy, that's awesome for your first show."

I nodded proudly. "I'll defiantly look into more shows, bigger ones." I felt my stomach lurch in excitement.

We hung out having a few drinks, so what? I ignored one doctor, I won't die. Shouldn't have done that. Had no one noticed that once again I was wasted. The old feeling seeped through me and made me smile bitterly. I missed it, my good friend was back.

Frank and I ended up in the corridor of the club, empty, no one, just the distant sounds of music. He looked up at me and smiled drunkenly, I couldn't get myself to smile back, I was ruining all my hard work. All over again. "Frankie, I n-need to go home." I said quietly. "What's wrong baby?" He asked leaning closer. "I'm not supposed to be around this... I wasn't supposed to drink tonight." I said breathing shallower than normal. "Come on.. I don't want to go home, we'll go to the pond and talk." Frankie said walking me out the door.

We walked in silence, just looking around. I hadn't visited the pond for a while, not since Mikey and I thought we could make things worse.

We sat down in the grass and looked over the pond. "I miss when last year me and Mikey would come out here and talk for hours... everything was so normal for us then, so innocent." Frank turned to look at me with the most serious look I had ever seen on him. "It wasn't innocent then at all.. it was just quietly corrupted.. no one understood, so no one spoke about it."

"How was it corrupted, we were all so happy. " I said bitterly. "You were addicted Gee. You were always drunk. Mikey was dying, he was sick. No thing was alright,it was just silently falling. Now that the problems are getting a bit louder, and such amazing things are happening, the somewhat calmer times seem better than the present." Damn... he was right... He had never been more right.

"It's pretty bittersweet I get that.. Mikey still wishing for you back, all of us are fighting things right now, all while one big thing is happening. There's just not a word for any of it except bittersweet. " Frank was now sober, or at least he sounded that way. "Your right... I just get lost in every thing sometimes." I said quietly.

He pulled me closer and let me lean on his shoulder, "And you know what Gee, that's okay."

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