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Gerards POV

I looked over at Frank who was looking back at us in pain, he needed help, he needed some one to say something. "Frank. I don't need to be staying around you and Mikey at the same time right now, because I don't know what I want... r-right now, but I trust that my little brother will help keep you away from alcohol." I said sternly making eyes contact with him.

He hurt me straight to my face, why shouldn't I hurt him right back? Because that's mean. I stood up and looked at Ray and Bob with raised eyebrows. "Can me and Frank be excused for a moment?" They all nodded. Mikey just kind of Sat there, in all of this he was just sort of abandoned.

Frank and I stepped out the door and into the small bathroom. The only privacy we could get.

He just hugged me and started crying, and before I could catch myself, knowing that he was crying had me crying. I just held him tightly against me, I missed my Frankie, I missed him so much.

"Shh, baby it's alright I'm right here." I murmured stroking a strand of his hair. It always comforted him. "I... I don't want to be alone Gerard... I can't keep myself from falling apart every night that I'm not in your arms." He had never trembled in front of me, and right now he was shaking like crazy as we held each other.

"Your not alone anymore baby, I'm right here, I've got you." I whispered and kissed his forehead. He looked up at me with red eyes and quietly nodded.

"I love you okay?" I soothed as I ran my fingers through his hair. He leaned forward and kissed me softly, so gentle and bitter. He was just so weak right now, he couldn't put passion here, he just wanted that feeling more than anything. He pulled back and sniffled, "I love you too."

Mikeys POV

As the door closed behind Frank and Gerard Ray and Bob stared at me. "Mikey are yo-" I cutt him off. "I'm fine." I snapped, no I wasn't.

Where did I get left behind, what did I do to get forgotten like this? Gerard had never held me while I sobbed, he just watched silently unsure. He didn't love me, and I was the fault in the way, why hadn't I realized before now?

I could have just gotten out of everyone's way. . . I'm so sick of-

"Alright.. shall we rehearse now?" Gerard asked as him and Frank walked back in.

As you read this the picture above really hits you!!!!

Sorry for the crap updates it's like 2AM.

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