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So uh.. some old ships are gonna pop up here and there like..
So don't kill me, if anything thank me

Gerards POV

We sat there like that for about an hour until we heard someone walking up to us. A caramel skinned boy with shoulder length hair, and a pale boy with a somewhat bowl cut approached us. "Hey, are you two okay?" Asked the dark one. "Yeah, we're alright. I'm Frank nice to meet you." Frank, always trying to make a friend.

"Hi Frank, I'm Vic. Nice to meet you." He had a nice voice, he seemed alright. "Who's your friend?" Asked Vic mentioning towards me. Frank was about to answer when I cut him off.

"I'm his boyfriend and my names Gerard." I said holding my hand out, we exchanged hand shakes, his hands were soft! "Well, Gerard. This is my boyfriend Kellin." He said motioning for the boy I'm assuming was Kellin. "Hi Kellin."

He looked at me for a minute. "Your Gerard Way!" He said shocked, I was utterly confused. "You used to be in my Spanish class, and you had that brother, Mikey!" He said then looked at Frank.

"So did you. Frank Iero right?" Frank nodded in astonishment. "Good memory." Vic looked at me. "Gerard Way.. you were on the radio, you played at the Jaxx Club tonight! We were there!" Vic said smiling.

"Really. Cool." Frank said smiling. Me and Kellin were defiant on being the quiet ones in this conversation.

I was starting to feel very sick to my stomach, the hangover setting in. "Hey Frank, I'm gonna head home, see you in the morning." I said, Frank didn't offer to come with me, he just nodded. "Love you too." I muttered quietly. No response.

About half way home Mikey and I ran into each other. "You heading home to?" He asked as we walked, "Yeah."

"You know Gerard.. there's some stuff Frank told me you should really know." I looked over, "Fire." I said quietly.

"While you were away He said he had a few hook ups with this guy... Kellin I think was his name." I stopped walking.

"K-kellin?" I asked quietly. "Yeah. . . Someone from school." He said. "That's who he's in the park with right now, with Vic... Kellins boyfriend." I said as we walked into the house. "W-wow." Mikey murmured.

"Gee, please don't cry." Mikey said hugging me tightly. I looked down at him, our eyes met, then our lips. He kissed me so softly at first, it felt amazing, some thing I missed for a year. He pulled me closer and mumbled something. I pulled back slightly. "S-sorry." I murmured quietly. He didn't speak, he just stared at me. "Don't tell Frankie." I whispered but was interrupted. "You don't have to." Frank's voice said quietly.

"Speak of the devil." My anger was speaking for me, I just let it happen. "The devil? Says the one who just kissed his little brother." He scoffed. "How was your visit with Kellin? Did you at least use protection this time?" I hissed Mikey stepped back from us.

"You told!" Frank yelled at Mikey. "He deserved to know.. not my fault you slept with Kellin... could've told him about Andy, and what you tried to pull last weekend." Mikey said with a devil smirk. I grabbed Frank by his collar and looked him dead in the eye. "So your just whoring around now?" He didn't answer just looked at me. "What did he try to pull Mikey?" I asked quietly. "He... we were walking... and well.. he tripped and. . . Things sort of happened." Mikey muttered. I let go of Frank and just stood there.

"It's funny... real funny isn't it Frankie? To see me hurt, to see what you can do.. what all you can manage until I'm gone.. you find it hilarious don't you? You found it funny last year too right? When I had a heart attack and was sent away... when you made me so mad I almost had another heart attack... it was just hysterical for you right? Well Frankie... have who you'd like darling, but I'm not on your list anymore. I'm done. . . Done trying to please you.. done with trying to save you Mikey. I'm just done." I said as I got my last bit of stuff together. "Gerard wai-" I turned around and slapped Frank as hard as I could.

He stumbled back and looked up. "Bye." He muttered and with that I threw my bag into my car, and left.

I found myself on the doorstep of my last hope, Andy...

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