We All Get Together When We Bury Our Friends.

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Frank's POV
I woke up against the wall in the living room of the Way household, I barely had a memory of last night. But I knew Gerard wad gone, and officially knew every thing, every thing. . . Okay, maybe I'm a bit ignorant for not realizing that I was struggling with an addiction along with everyone else, mine being caused by the stress of every one else's.

In the midst of keeping Gerard away from alcohol, I had been downing drinks, and being fucked up around him, and everyone else for that matter, and one thin line between drunk to completely wasted, fucked us both up. He was wasted, I wad wasted, and God only knows where Gee is now.

The sleeping with people fell in with everything else, I'd wake up in beds, unable to know what happened, or who it happened to. Kellin... Kellin was the first morning I woke up next to someone without a memory as to why, and it killed me...

However, after dealing with your own ghosts for so long, they no longer frighten you, because once you realize there's a ghost there, your just to upset to battle it off, or even be frightened by them.

I had a drinking problem, and here I sat, with a hangover as my souvenir.

Fucking Fucked, that's exactly what I am right now.

Gerards POV

At around 6 AM, Andy, Ashley, and I excused ourselves to bed. The guest room was familiar to me, had my first time with a guy in that bed, which was shameful because of the fact that the guy wasn't who I had feelings for, and he slept with Frank weeks after, but why would I mention that? Andy was a good guy, and he had a good guy as his own now. Ashley was there for Andy, he wanted to help, understand, and support all of Andy's dreams and choices. Which was something I had, untill, I left Frankie.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I kept them back. "No Gee, they weren't okay, just quietly corrupted." Frank's words offered me a great deal of comfort, and for once, I relaxed and tried to remember what I did have, and connect the dots.

I laid down and sighed, life. Life.
My phone buzzed in my pocket and Mikeys name came up on the screen.
Mikey: Where are you at Gee? I don't mind how long you stay, that's up to you, but could you at least tell me where that's at?

Me: No, I won't be telling you any of that. I'm indoors, I'm safe, I'll be alright. I'll come by the studio for practice around 3 today. Love you Mikey.

Mikey: Wow thanks for the information -_- See you at 3. Love you.

Mikeys POV

Of course I'm keeping calm in front of Frank, they all have a tendency to have fucking heart attacks around this house. I was nervous, Jersey.. JERSEY. It's not like it's safe here, it's terrifying, just the amount of darkness in the night streets is intimidating, from anywhere, from another state. And there he goes, still probably not sober enough to be driving anywhere at all, to God knows where... if I had just shut up... ugh.. this is such a screwed up situation.

I shouldn't have to deal with this, I'm a human being for God's sakes, what have done wrong.
Kissed your brother.
Honestly there's nothing wrong with expressing your feeling for someone.
Unless Its your older brother.

I hate the voices in my head, hate them.

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