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Gerards POV

Mikey looked at me and took in a breath of air before going to his spot at his instrument. "Alright guys, lets run through Helena, and Vampires, and we'll go from there."

Just as we were about to start Perry ran in and interrupted us. "Guys! Big news, I got big news! 176.9 wants you guys to come down and do an interview with them today! And a live performance in Belleville park!"

My heart seemed to stop for a moment. "Will you guys do it?" He asked holding the phone tighter than I thought possible. "Yes! Of course!" I forced out as my smile set in. I turned back to the guys and they were smiling too. "H-holy shit." Frank said stunned. "This is happening... This is happening.. this.. this is happening." Ray repeated to himself, always very nervous, with a somewhat loose grip to reality, be we all had a hard time holding on right now, because reality, didn't seem.. real.

"Alright boys, meet me at the station off Fairview Drive in fifteen minutes." Perry said and that sent all of us running to get things together. "Go, go, go, go." Mikey repeated as everyone hurried to get things together.

Finally we ended up in my car, talking excitedly. "I went to a show in the park last year.. I think it was like Green Day or someone playing that night. They were really good and got signed up for Belleville Bash... I think they won, I'm not sure." Mikey said excitedly.

"Lets not get our hopes up to high." Frank said in response. "We may have a pretty good shot though, if you think about it. Someone must like us a lot. I mean they're doing an interview on us." Ray agreed with Mikey. "We just have to put everything we have into it, and see what happens." I said as we pulled up to the station.

We walked back with Perry to a man with a bright blue suit on, he had black hair, and hazel eyes, our resemblance was strange.

"Hi boys, I'm Josh and I'm going to do an interview on you guys today because it seems you've been making quite a ripple in the music world, just have a seat right there and when the red light comes on I want you all to say. "Hi, this My Chemical Romance on 176.9 FM."

We nodded and waited for the light.

All: Hi, This is My Chemical Romance on 176.9 FM."
Josh: Hello boys, before we begin may you run your names and positions in the band by me?
Gerard: Hi I'm Gerard Way and I'm the lead singer.
Mikey: Hello. I'm Mikey Way and I play guitar.
Frank: Hi I'm Frank Iero and I also play guitar.
Ray: What's up I'm Ray Toro and I as well play guitar.
Bob: Hey. This is Bob Bryar and I play drums.
Gerard: What my brothers here forgot to mention is Ray,Mikey, and Frank also do back up vocals.

Josh: Very Nice, Very Nice. You guys seem to have a very well set up here. Give us a little insight on MCR, what is the foundation of the band?

Gerard: Well basically we're five guys from Jersey who decided we would mess around with some instruments in me and Mikeys basement, and well things went on and on... until we recorded a list and put on the front desk of Jersey Inc.

Josh: Are you and Mikey related, I realize you both have the same last name.

Gerard: Yeah, Mikeys my little brother.

Josh: Well that's cool, what's it like to work with your little brother?

Gerard: Well, they're really all my brothers, but I feel like in the long run I'll definitely be more protective of Mikey, because he's the youngest and he is my little brother, and I care about him dearly. I don't think there is anyone I'd rather work with than these five guys, they're extraordinarily talented and working with Mikey is just even better.

Josh: What about you Mikey, what's Gerard like?

Mikey: Well, he's definitely Gerard heh.. I'd say because of the fact that he's the lead singer he kind of has control of the entire group in a way, he keeps us all in order... then again, it could be because he's my older brother and I see him as the authority figure.

Josh: Well I can see you two are very close, and you guys as a band seem very close as well. You guys played your first show at Jaxx Club last night, what was that like?

Gerard: Amazing... it was terrifying at first but definitely amazing.
Frank: There was a certain energy to the fans that I hadn't ever seen out of people, and it gave me some sort of adrenaline and I feel like we put on a great show because we had a great audience.
Ray: I really feel like afterwards everyone was pretty tried from the show, because fans would come up to me and Bob and just try to ask something and run out of breath. It took a good hour for everyone to simmer down.

Josh: I could tell you guys were really astonished, I was there, and that's why I really wanted you guys down here for an interview today, because you guys just have this energy that can't be beat, you guys really bring it.

All: Thank you.

Josh: That's all the time we have for now with My Chemical Romance today but they will be playing live tonight in Belleville Park. So look forward to seeing them there, general admission, tickets are four dollars for a show, and the art program after that. We look forward to seeing you there and thanks for tuning in. Signing off, Josh Lee.

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