The Only Hope For Me Is You.

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Gerards POV

Gerards Dream:

I was laying on the floor in a room that was trashed, completely ruined. The only thing that was unbroken in the room was the mirror. As I looked in it I realized the thing in its reflection was also broken, I was broken. The mirror stood strong waiting for its next victim. I slammed my hand into it and watched it crash down against the floor and shatter. I heard a laugh from behind me and recognized it immediately. Frank, he was right there but he sounded ages away. "That's just like you Gerard." He said. I turned back to look at him and he smirked. "To take something that's unbroken, that's trying to tell you how broken you are, and breaking it. You can't handle that you'll never be fixed, you can't handle that no one else wants to fix you, you can't handle the fact that your broken!"

He yelled the word broken and I collapsed into the shards, "Stop it!" I shrieked trying to stand up as quick as I could, but failing. "Stop it!" He mimicked and burst into laughter.

I shot up in my bed and saw Andy and Ashley standing in the room. Covered in sweat and being paler than usual. I had a night terror. Andy walked over to me and sat down and smiled reassuringly. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry Gee. It's Okay, you can't prevent night terrors they just happen." He said and pulled me onto a hug. I hugged back easing into his comfort. "Thanks." I said against his shoulder and he smiled before pulling away.

"Try and get back to sleep Gee. You have things to do tomorrow." He said before walking out with Ashley.

I sighed and leaned back against my pillow. "This shit sucks." I muttered before checking my phone.

One Unread message.
Frankie ❤
Hey Gerard, the guys and I have moved the rehearsal to 2:30 because we need to have a short meeting before we begin See you at Jersey Inc.

I guess we did need to meet up rather than play without discussing, we weren't much of a band without communication.

I groaned and looked at my clock 12:45 ... f#!&, I have to take a shower and look presentable.. so much for the extra hour of sleep. I got up and walked downstairs. "They moved the rehearsal to 2:30 so we can have a meeting before we start, so I gotta grab a shower." I said as I got a towel from the closet. "Alright, remember the trick to the door?" He asked quietly, I think I walked in on there make out session. "Yep." I said heading back upstairs. Jiggling the knob a few times I got the door open and went in for my shower.

Frank's POV

I sat down next to Mikey on the couch and looked over at him. "At the meeting today I've got an announcement to make." I said calmly. I was going to ask for help about my addiction, because well they were my best friends and I didn't want to fade to black like Gerard did.

It was 2:15 when we left the house and headed for Jersey Inc. Once we got to the parking lot we saw Gerards black Porsche parked outside. Mikey looked over at me, "You gonna be okay?" He asked quietly. I nodded and sucked in some air, confidence Frankie.

"Hey boys, Gerards in the lounge in the back. Straight back, last door on the left." We nodded and went back Gerard looked over at us and waved "Hey." I said as we filled in. I stood up and took charge of the meeting. "The reason I thought we should have a meeting is simple. I think we need to all talk about things and there's an announcement I need to make, so let me get the announcement over with."

Mikey looked at me sympathetically and smiled. "I have a bit of an issue That I wanted to ask my closest friends about... and it's killing me to say this to you guys because I've just been trying so hard to help everyone else all while I'm destroying myself. I have an addiction that I don't know how to deal with without the love of my life... I've fucked up way to many times for you to believe me when I stay this but I need you. I need you more than you feel like I do right now, I miss you and need you so much I can't even believe my own words right now Gerard but I'd rather die than see you hurting like you are right now... and I know how confused you are right now because this past year has been vert difficult for you between what me and Mikey want... and you got lost somewhere in that... and that's exactly what I did.."

I let every word come out, because every word was what needed to be said. Gerard was picking up his life so that he could be clean and decide who he really wanted, and in all my wasted nights I was trying to stop him from that because I didn't want him to choose mikey, because Mikey was the best choice for him, because despite how screwed up and confused we all were, Mikey had his life together and I didn't.
"But Gerard I need you, because I'm what most guys call the weaker friend of the two, your my standing leg and I'm not going anywhere with out you."
Gerards POV
Holy shit, was Frank just open about his feelings? Did he just willingly admit how much he needed me?

I Would Save You (Ferard)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ