I Need Some Time

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Gerards POV

I knocked on the door and sighed. I should've known. This was an every night thing for me when I was drinking last year, it's always a ripple of bad effects, me and alcohol don't mix. The door opened revealing a tired looking Andy. "Dude, it's like 3AM." He complained. "Ashley, Gerards here, clean the guest room would ya?" I smirked to myself. "Why is it the Way kids keep ending up on my porch?" He asked inviting me inside.

Ashley walked into the living room and smiled at me. "Hey Gerard." He said sitting down on the couch. "What happened this time Gee?" Andy asked as we sat down.

I explained everything to him and he sighed. "Damn.. there's not a way to fix that one." Andy said astonished. "You can stay with me and Ash as long as you need Gerard." I leaned back.

"I still have to record with them... Ray and Bob didn't do anything, and the band itself shouldn't suffer because we can't get our shit together." I said quietly.

My hangover was hitting me now, not just hitting me, no it was beating the living fuck out of me. Andy nodded and looked over at Ashley. "Well babe, I told you, it's like a mad house on that side of Jersey." I smirked at his remark, it was all to true.

No part of Jersey was safe but there was the dangerous parts and the dangerously dangerous parts, you can tell what side I've been on.

"Gerard, your life is gonna be a metaphor one day." Said Ashley smiling and hanging me a cup of coffee. I laughed, "Who knows, maybe one day we'll all matter to somebody." I joked, they laughed again this.

It was so funny how we'll try and try and get no where, because I'm just me Gerard Way, sitting in a room with Ashley Purdy, and Andy Beirsack with Frank Iero and Mikey Way mad at me because of something Kellin Quinn did. We're not going anywhere with this whole My Chemical Romance thing. Yet, I still want to hold on to the idea.
(oh yeah, I went there)

"So does Vic know about this?" Asked Andy sitting cross legged in front of me and Ashley. "Nope. I don't think I should tell him either, why screw them up because we can't get our shit together... or in Frankie case, keep his shit in his pants." This earned an agonized laugh from Ashley. "How are you able to joke around right now Gee? I'd be a mess if I were you." Ashley asked me recovering from his laughing fit. "Well... I guess I've been through worse... you know this really takes the cake, I guess I just don't let myself sink down like I used to." I said coming to conclusion on my mood, which I guess was confusing me too.

Frank's POV

I looked over at Mikey who just looked right back. "Good job." I spat. He looked up and smirked. "Don't do it if it has to be kept secret." He said walking past me. "Don't worry, I know my brother, he won't be coming back to stay for a bit, but he'll keep up with mcr no matter what, he enjoys it to much."

With that Mikey lightly poked my nose and walked to his room where he closed and locked the door.

What the hell?
Ugh... fucking fuck fuck.

Don't even ask XD I know where I'm going with this.
Thanks for all the recent votes by the way! <3 All that's left is someone needs to comment,

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