We Made It.

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Im so sorry for making everyone wait so long for this chapter but I needed a good follow up for the smut that gave off their affection and love and also continued with the story,And my wifi sucks! so... here it is.

Gerards POV

We laid there like that, just holding eachother and calming down for about an hour until we decided we should probably clean up. "I'm going to go get in the shower and I'll save you some hot water okay?" Frank said standing up. "Alright, I'd get in there with you if you were a bit less pitiful looking right now." I said laughing.

"Hey! I'm sore you leave me and my pitiful looks alone sir!" I groaned at the name. "Don't call me that unless you're trying to get fucked." He smirked at my threat. "Alright." He said surrendering.

"In all honesty though, I'm proud of you, you did good." I said and ruffled his hair. "Love you." He said kissing my nose before leaving the room. "Love you too." I called before starting to clean up.

As I made my move to clean up and change the sheets on Franks bed I noticed all of them were black, just black, little emo eh? By the time he was out of the shower I had everything cleaned up and neat again.

"Hope you saved me some hot water." I said poking him as I walked past him. "I did." He confirmed before I shut the bathroom door.

As I moved to clean myself I kept thinking about what had just happened. I just broke the sex barrier between us, what does that make us? Are we together now? Who knows...

I got out and made my way to get dressed and headed back to his room. He was laying on his bed typing on his phone. "Hey can we talk?" I asked sitting down next to him. "Yeah, whats up?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"What are we?" I asked him quietly. "What do you want us to be?" Oh no he did not just pull that card with me. "What we were last year, before I started drinking, before Mikey and I thought we were in love. "Alright, then thats what we are Gerard. Thats all I wanted." He said

I know I'm killing Mikey, but one of us was going to get hurt eventually, and he seemed to have given up anyway. Frank smiled and pulled me in for a kiss, which I gladly returned.

I just felt bad about Mikey now, I had really cared about him, and about a year ago I would have given up Frank for Mikey, but now Frank was all that mattered.

My phone started to buzz, Mikey was the one calling, wow, thats freaky. "I need to take this, Let me step out for a moment." I said excusing myself to Franks front porch. "Hey." I said answering. "H-hey..." he said breaking the silence on the line. "Did you need something?" I asked feeling a bit awkward. "Y-yeah, what did that kiss mean the other night? L-like were you just drunk?" I could litterally hear his heart rip in half. "I was drunk, I-I'm sorry. I want Frank." I said gently.

"Yeah and in two days you'll change your mind and want me, then change again. Im done with the merry-go-round. You can have him, I don't care anymore." The line went dead, I just shrugged and put my phone down, I can't deal with Mikey right now.

Mikeys POV

I looked at the blade and squeezed it, dont do it, dont do it, dont do it. I sat it down and wiped my tears away, Gerard wouldn't care. If it were Frank he'd be all over the place trying to help him, yet he never noticed my scars, or marks. He didn't care. There was a knock on the door and I rushed to open it, Ray had been staying with us for a few weeks now and he stayed to himself and was there when needed.

"Hey, there's someone outside for you." PETE! He said he'd come see me once he got released from YDC!

"Pete!" I shreiked running past Ray, I made it to the door and was confirmed by a bone crushing hug from Pete who thankfully looked like good old Pete. "Mikey!" He exclaimed hugging me tightly, "I missed you so much!" He said smiling. "I missed you too!" Pete was my bestfriend, and he still was. "Come in, come in, we can go up to my room and hangout." I said as we walked in.

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