Part 4

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*Tw: indications of a panic attack*

Punz was starting to get a bit worried. Foolish had been suspiciously quiet the whole car ride, whereas any other time he would be talking about anything and everything that came to his mind. He figured that if something really was wrong, Foolish would tell him about it when he was ready to.

The pair walked into the building to see the row of computers set up in the main area. They would really be competing today, and that means Minecraft.

"I know Minecraft is literally our thing, but honestly I'm kind of nervous as fuck dude", spoke Punz.

"Yeah honestly, me too", Foolish agreed.

"You know whatever happens is cool we'll try our best you know? That matters."

"Yeah I guess so", Foolish said lending a small smile to his friend.

"It's time for the second day of twitch rivals! Our first event will be the Minecraft event!..."

~two and a half hours later~

They lost. The nerves got to them. Foolish cursed himself over and over in his head. This was so embarrassing, this was what they were supposed to be good at, what they were here for.. and they lost. He lost.

Punz saw the obvious discouragement on Foolish's face and walked over to him.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. I'm upset too, but there's nothing we can about it now", he attempts to comfort Foolish.

"It's just so stupid! It seems so pointless to even be here. I can't even win at something I truly thought I was good at. I feel like a failure. An embarrassment", Foolish went on as his breathing started to quicken. Foolish tried to hide it, but Punz saw the glassiness of his friend's eyes. He observed his trembling hands, his erratic breathing. He wasn't making eye contact with him and he was staring at the ground intently.

"Hey hey hey, look at me... here come with me," Punz pulled Foolish to the bathroom where events from yesterday played out much differently.

As they enter the bathroom, Punz checked to make sure no one else was in there and then locked the door behind them. Foolish was letting his tears fall now.

"I-I'm sorry. I wish I could've done better. I totally failed you... you should have had someone better. And I know it's stupid to act like this but's just really hitting hard I guess..", Foolish spoke between breaths in a soft voice.

Punz grabbed his friend's shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Foolish, you did great. Don't you dare say you're a failure. I understand this was big for us, but you did SO good. You can't help but have nerves sometimes..", Punz told him.

Foolish stared back at him, eyes still shining of sadness. "I know but...", Foolish was cut off by Punz embracing him in a tight hug. Suddenly all of Foolish's anxiety and stress vanished. Honestly, it did a whole 360 because his mind and... body were going to other places.

Punz's body was pressed up against his own now as he hugged him back. Foolish's heart went crazy. He knew it was wrong to be thinking of such things in this kind of moment but he just couldn't help it. He wanted to feel more of Punz's body. He felt the muscles of Punz's back and thought about how he could-

His thought was cut off as Punz pulled back. Foolish didn't want that warmth to go away yet...

"Are you alright? You haven't been acting like yourself recently.. is everything okay, really?", Punz finally asked the question that's been bugging him.

"O-oh no I'm fine, I promise! I'm sorry it really must just be my nerves, they've been acting up a lot recently with this twitch rivals event thing and all..", Foolish half lied.

"Well listen there are more events to come, so we lost the Minecraft one oh well. It's not the end of the world... we'll just win the other ones," Punz said cockily, smirking at Foolish.

Foolish couldn't help but let out a blinding smile that made Punz's heart flutter.

"You're right. Let's fucking win!", Foolish said with his regular spunk. With that, the two walked out the bathroom and back to the main area. More events would take place that day, and they intended on winning.

~2 hours later~

Foolish and Punz had been concentrating hard on this game. They had been confidently scoring the highest out of everyone. They were in the finals against 5up and Tina who were also trying their best and standing their ground.

Everyone was shaky with nerves and adrenaline. Their hands moved fast, blocking their opponent's movements. Punz and Foolish made an extraordinary team. Then...

*ding ding!*

"The winners are Punz and Foolish Gamers!", the announcement lady announced.

Foolish had made the winning score and shouted out happily. Punz jumped up and cheered as well. They were stressing so much and trying so so hard, and it paid off.

Foolish being overly excited jumped into Punz's arms and the two of them laughed. But although no one but Foolish noticed, Punz caught him and his shirt slid up some, causing Punz's hand to stroke along Foolish's abs. It felt like that moment lasted an eternity for Foolish even though it was only a few seconds.

Punz noticed it too. Foolish didn't know that though. He played it cool when he saw the brunette's face turn pink after he set him down, as if nothing had happened.

"Haha, sorry I got excited", Foolish said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck, still holding a big smile on his face.

"It's all good man, you deserve it. You're the one who won this for us after all", Punz said smirking as he bumped his shoulder with Foolish's. The two smiled and walked over to 5up and Tina to shake their hands in good sportsmanship. They were all friends at the end of the day and they were all proud of each other.

"I'm proud of you Foosh! You really did good!", Tina said from the right side of Foolish.

"Thanks Tina!", Foolish exclaimed. Hannah had overheard, running over and started chanting "Foosh! Foosh! Foosh!", and then the other three joined in.

Punz wrapped an arm around Foolish's shoulders and pumped a fist in the air as he, Tina, 5up and Hannah all chanted "Foosh! Foosh! Foosh!". Foolish lightly blushed at this and laughed, showing off his blinding smile once more.

Once everyone finished celebrating, they played a few more mini games that were just for fun and headed out.

Foolish couldn't stop thinking about Punz and their interactions that day. He was glowing with happiness. By this time it was almost 6 p.m. and his friends didn't want to just stop there. They wanted round two of gambling night and he planned on going with them.

He was picking something up from the twitch rivals building that he'd forgotten. Foolish walked and turned a corner to see an unexpected face.

"What's Punz doing here? Wait who's that...", Foolish thought to himself. He quickly hid back behind the corner of the building. There was a girl he recognized from the twitch rivals event standing next to Punz and they were talking. She kept getting closer and closer to him. Her hand caressing his arm like some kind of damsel in distress. Punz was chuckling and just standing there.

"Is he just flirting with her? Who the fuck does he think he is? He-..", Foolish cut off his own thoughts. It's not like he owns Punz. Why is he thinking this way?

Foolish realized what was blatantly obvious the whole time.

He was in love with Punz.

Foolish was in love with his best friend.

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon