Part 11

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It was now January and it had been over a month since Punz and Foolish had spoken to each other. Besides the calls and streams they were in where they would talk briefly as to not seem suspicious.

Foolish to his surprise had gotten very close with Karl during this time. He even got closer with a few others as well, but mainly Karl. Foolish would be in calls with bigger creators and they would joke around with him. He'd laugh and laugh, but nothing felt the same without Punz.

"Wait, border? I hardly know her", Karl said as he and Foolish were playing fortnite.

"Shut up", Foolish giggled.

They weren't live, just playing normally as friends.

"Ah! Foolish revive me! REVIVE ME! I'm dead."

Foolish laughed, "I'M SORRY I was too far away!"

"Ohh excuses huh? Sounding a bit like PUNZ AREN'T YOU?"

Foolish laughed at the joke but went silent after the mention of Punz's name. Karl took note of it.

"Yeah so actually, you spoken to Punz recently?"

"Oh ah no not really..."

"You two good? You sound upset."

"I...", he paused. He and Karl have gotten so close... maybe he should tell him about Punz. Would that ruin their friendship though?

"Listen uhm... if I tell you something will you promise not to judge me or any of that shit? Not saying you would, I mean I just I-I don't know...", Foolish rambled on.

"Hey of course not man I'd never. Here", Karl said as he disconnected from the game. "We can just talk one on one, it'll be alright man."

Foolish sighed, "okay okay".

He disconnected from the game as well and sat in silence for a bit to gather his thoughts.

"Okay well first this is all new to me I've... never really felt like this. But when we went to the Twitch Rivals event some stuff happened between me and Punz. A lot actually... and the point is I uhm.. I kinda realized I'm in... I'm in love with him alright."

"Oh my god man, were you just carrying that around? I'm glad you told me. I'd never judge you for who you love. Wait so why haven't you two talked?", Karl asked.

Foolish sighed and basically filled Karl in on everything that happened with Punz. Everything.

"Foolish man I don't know even know what to say..."

"It's alright, you really don't have to say anything. I hate to admit it but I just miss him so fucking much. I hate not talking to him, I fucking hate it. But being the dumbass I am, I thought it would help. But no! Every little flirty interaction he has with someone else pisses me off and I get so jealous. Everything is fucked up!"

Foolish's voice raised in pitch until he slammed his fist down on his desk out of frustration.

"Hey listen man deep breaths... I think you should talk to him again. Doesn't have to be now, but at some point. I don't think closed communication will solve anything, you know? I can tell how much you care for him, and knowing Punz? He positively cares about you too."

Foolish's eyes looked downcast at his floorboards. He lazily looked at his phone in his hand with a slight pout.

"You really think so?"

"100%, yes."

"...I might call him. At some point."

~A few days later~

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Where stories live. Discover now