Part 5

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Foolish stood watching Punz and the girl. His heart pounded with jealousy. He'd think about this revelation later.

He continued to watch until the girl got on her tippy toes and leaned into Punz.

Foolish jerked his head away, eyes beginning to water again.

"Fuck no", he thought as he angrily wiped his eyes. He didn't bother getting what he needed from the building and sprinted away before he could see anything more.

Sadly for Foolish, he didn't see Punz quickly remove the girl's arm and decline the kiss.

Running faster and faster, Foolish didn't notice someone right in front of him. He stopped abruptly and stumbled.

"Foolish? What's going on?", asked a startled Tina.

"Oh nothing Tina I'm just not really feeling well. I don't think I can make it tonight, I'm really sorry", Foolish said with his head hanging slightly.

"Oh it's ok! Are you sure you're doing alright? Should I call Punz to-"

"No!", Foolish cut her off. "I mean no, it's fine. No need to worry him, I'm all good. Just let him know for me, okay?", he asked Tina.

Tina looked up at Foolish concerned, but nodded her head. "Just let me know if you need anything okay? Feel better soon", she offered him a small smile. He returned the smile and continued on his way back to his hotel room.

Once he arrived, he looked around. No Punz. As he expected, and hoped.

He sighed and walked to his bag, pulling out more comfortable clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

When he was finished he turned off one of the main lights so it wasn't so bright, and laid down. He went on his phone and saw that it was 7. They should all be together now.

He went on twitch and watched about two hours of Karl's stream and then left to scroll on his phone for a couple more hours.

Foolish was in his own world when he hears his hotel room door open. He jumps but relaxes when he sees Punz come in and quietly shut the door behind him.

"Oh Foolish I didn't know you were still awake, don't you go to bed like pretty early?", said Punz.

"I mean no why?," Foolish asked.

"Well you were up super early the other day and last night I came back and you were already asleep when I got here", Punz told Foolish as he makes his way around their beds and to the bathroom. Only then Foolish realizes that Punz is soaking wet.

"Well just because I wake up early doesn't mean I don't stay up late, and why are you soaking wet? You're getting water everywhere", Foolish said in a slightly more irritated tone than he'd intended.

"Oh, yeah sorry. We were at the pool connected to the gambling place and Hannah got drunk again and pushed me in. So I came back to take a shower, but we can go back after I finish if you're feeling up to it. Tina told me you weren't feeling well", Punz said the last part taking off his damp shirt and grabbed dry clothes.

Foolish couldn't help but blush and tried to cover his face with the sheet on his bed. He prolonged his answer because of his gaze over Punz's torso.

"I uh.. I-I dunno I'll think about it..", he muffled under the sheets and quickly darted his eyes away.

Punz side eyed Foolish as he walked passed him to the bathroom. "Alright then, let me know when I'm done. If you're not feeling up to it it's alright, you can stay here and rest."

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Where stories live. Discover now