Part 9

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Foolish's eyes fluttered awake. He attempted to stretch out his limbs, but was surprised to find he couldn't move. His eyes adjusted more to the light and what he saw was breathtaking. There laid Punz with his arms wrapped around him, legs entangled with one another's.

Foolish's thoughts back tracked to the night they'd had. His heart immediately started pounding at the thought. Their clothes were scattered around their room.

Foolish didn't dare move. He couldn't wake the sleeping man up... and frankly, he didn't want to leave Punz's arms either. Soundlessly, he cuddles back into Punz's chest. He was just dozing off when...

*Beep, beep, beep, beep!*

Foolish jumped and sat up, now fully awake. The man beside him shuffled awake as well.

"Good morning", said Foolish as he turned to look down at Punz laying beside him.

"Good morning...", Punz said in a raspy morning voice.

Punz smirked as his eyes studied Foolish's still bare chest. Foolish noticed this and his face turned a bright red.

"Like what ya see?", he said in fake confidence with a goofy smile.

"You know...", Punz said sitting up, "I really do."

Still partially sitting, Punz wrapped his arms around Foolish's torso and kissed his neck. All thoughts left Foolish's brain as he tilted his head to give Punz more room.

Just then, Punz acknowledged the still beeping alarm and removed his lips from Foolish's neck. He pouted and Punz chuckled.

"You're so needy."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am no-", Foolish cut himself off as he noticed Punz's chest. The brunette scanned it as he saw purple splotches all over the area. His heart sunk knowing he'd caused those marks. The ones that contradict the ones that Punz had given him on his neck out of love.

Punz noticed this and looked as well.

"I am so so sorry Punz... are you okay? That doesn't hurt too badly... does it?", Foolish asked concerned and guilty.

"Hey..." Punz said, gently holding Foolish's chin between his thumb and pointer finger, "I told you it's alright. I'm fine I promise."

Foolish's lips turned into a thin line as he looked down in shame, only for Punz to lift his head back up.

"No more pouting. I'm totally fine I swear", Punz concluded as he kissed Foolish's forehead. Foolish looked at him and offered a small smile.

With this, Punz stood up to get ready for the day and to clean up a bit from their events last night. In doing so, he revealed himself completely. Foolish's eyes went wide as he averted them and covered his face with the bedsheet.

"Nothing you haven't seen before, pretty boy", Punz said with a smirk that Foolish could just hear through his tone.

"P-pretty boy? Where'd that come from?" Foolish stuttered, looking up at Punz who was now clothed. Well, he had pants on at least.

Punz shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. You're pretty, thought that was obvious."

"Well...okay". Foolish gave up and let it be. Although, he couldn't deny the happiness the new pet name gave him as he fought back a smile. He checked his phone and gasped in shock.

"It's 11:30?! My flight is in an hour!" he exclaimed, rushing to gather his things and to get dressed.

A saddened look spread across Punz's face.

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Where stories live. Discover now