Part 8

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*TW: slight violent outburst*
//nsfw warning//

"Hey! Foolish wait up!", Punz called from afar. He ran after him so fast that he stumbled on his own two feet. Quickly recovering, he ran after Foolish who was already in the elevator by the time he got to the main entrance. He swung open the door and headed towards the stairs, skipping every other step in his quick pace.

Punz made it into their hallway where he caught up with Foolish walking to their door.

"Foolish!", Punz called to him out of breath.

Foolish looked to the side at Punz in his out of breath form.

"What are you doing here?" he said coldly, but not as coldly as when he spoke to Lillian.

Punz said nothing and walked up to Foolish.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Foolish bursted out laughing, and Punz stood there confused and slightly concerned for his friend.

"I haven't been okay for a while now", Foolish said once he was finished laughing, not a trace of a smile was shed. With that he opened their door and didn't bother leaving it open for Punz, causing the door to hit him as he walked in.

"I know... I'm so sorry", said Punz as he closed their door.

"Mhm, I'm sure you are."

"Foolish I am... I didn't mean for you to get hurt like this."

Foolish stopped dead in his tracks at his words, his back facing Punz. He abruptly spun around and shoved Punz once.

"You didn't mean for me to get hurt!? You're such a selfish asshole!", he yelled shoving Punz again.

"I don't want to be a pawn in whatever stupid game this is! I'm not some toy you can play with every now and then and abandon when you find something better!", Foolish was yelling in agony now. Shoving Punz after every sentence.

"You think I didn't see you yesterday with that girl after the event? After what happened that day it fucked me up! You stood there and did nothing, then had the audacity to pull that shower stunt with me?! You're supposed to be my fucking best friend!", Foolish hit Punz in the chest breathing heavily in between sobs.

"How could you be such a horrible person that you'd do all that intimate shit with your best friend who is OBVIOUSLY fucking in love with you! And then you run off with some girl that you barely know and do who knows what! Openly at that!", Foolish had his fists on Punz's chest from hitting it. His voice was cracking at almost every single word he uttered and it tore Punz's heart apart.

"You... you're really in love with me?"

Foolish looked down and laughed out of pure instinct, but shortly after his expression went back to agonizing pain. He looked back up at Punz.

"Yeah, yeah I am. But I know a part of you already knew that. So how the fuck could you do this to me?", he said in a small whisper.

"I..." Punz had no words.

"How the FUCK could you do this to me?!", Foolish's voice raised and cracked once more.

"I fucking hate you! I hate you so much! You did this to me and all you can say is sorry?! Fuck you Punz! Fuck you!" Foolish yelled, banging his fists against Punz's chest out of emotion.

Punz grabbed Foolish's hands as he squirmed and continued crying.

"Foolish I didn't do anything with her! I never did, I have no feelings for her!"

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Where stories live. Discover now