Part 7

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Once everyone greeted Hannah and Foolish, who were the last to join the group, they all set out to go eat at a fancy outdoor restaurant.

Foolish tried everything in his power to avoid Punz, which was twice as hard since Punz was doing everything in his power to get Foolish's attention.

Foolish had fallen back behind the group as they walked to the restaurant so that Punz would have a harder time finding him. Too bad Punz wasn't going to let him get away so easily.

Foolish slouched his shoulders and was about to turn a corner when he felt a hand grab him and twist him around. His surprised eyes were met with none other than Punz.

"You're going to talk to me, whether you like it or not..", Punz said adamantly. Desperately.

Foolish remained quiet for a bit, staring at Punz with his mouth slightly open. Then he cleared his throat and looked away.

"I have nothing to talk to you about", he said, attempting to turn and walk away.

Before he could even think, Punz grabbed Foolish and pinned him against the concrete wall using his limbs to block any escape routes Foolish may attempt to take. He looked determinedly into Foolish's wide eyes.

"Something happened, I know it did. Please.. talk to me..", Punz pleaded desperately.

Foolish kept his mouth shut as he felt his heart beat faster. He watched as Punz seemed to wait for an answer. He pinched lips into a straight line and sadly looked down to his side as an indication that he refused to say anything.

Punz saw this and his head dropped. Slowly he raises it back up to look at Foolish as he moves his right hand towards the brunette's face. Gently, he grabs Foolish's chin between his thumb and pointer finger and lifts Foolish's face to look him in the eyes.

"We will talk about this later... you can't run from it. It's inevitable", he told Foolish as he leaned in so close that Foolish could feel his warm breath on his face. Foolish felt Punz's knee venture dangerously against him below his waist.

Punz sighed, letting go of Foolish's chin and backed up from his pinning position. He looked at him one last time before shoving his hands in his pockets and went to catch up with the rest of their friends.

Foolish didn't know how much longer he could take this. He would probably end up doing something he'd regret.

After standing there for a few more seconds zoned out, Foolish willed his feet to move to catch up with everyone. He didn't even want to go anymore. In all honesty... he just wanted to fly back home to Ohio. Where he knew he was safe. His hometown.

Foolish caught up with the group. He didn't see Punz. Tina bounced next to him.

"The outside view of the restaurant is super pretty, what are you going to order Foosh?", Tina chirped.

"Hmm... I'm still not sure", he pretended to be interested in the conversation, not very well apparently.

"Foolish? Are you still upset about Punz...?", Tina whispered to where only the two of them could hear. He looked at her and sighed through his nose.

"Yeah, a bit."

"You two were so happy earlier though! After we talked I couldn't help but smile at how happy and relieved you both looked."

Hearing this, Foolish's face dropped. He wished it could've stayed that way. Before he could answer, Hannah squealed from the front of the large group.

"We're here!", she exclaimed with her arms in the air. Everyone walked in after one another.

They got a private spot with a big circle shaped table.

Just for funz (Foolish x Punz)Where stories live. Discover now