Chapter 9

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WARNING: I am not a professional Ice Skater, I am just a person who wants their story to be interesting, I am very sorry If I get some of them wrong. Thus again, I am not a Professional. This may also Include Cringe! You have been Warned


 Third Person POV 

Chase and Skye Skate out to a less crowded area, to Skate together. They started out as small spins and tricks, but then it started to get noticed. They then started to get a crowd, but due to always having rescues. They hadn't noticed.

They were just having fun, pair skating with each other. "Those two are quite a pair." Ryder whispered to himself. "They really are Ryder." Everest replies unintentionally, standing on the ice rank watching as the two pair skate. 

"I didn't know they could skate like that!" Marshall said in completely Jaw dropped Amazement   as he watches them skate together like there was no tomorrow. 

The paring had always dreamed of doing something this up close with their Crush. It was then coming to the end of their Long Program. They thought of doing a lift at the end. "Alright." Skye whispered to herself. 

She had then skated towards Chase full speed then...She was in the air, she felt like she was flying, but no. She was lifted, claps arise from the guests and their friends. Chase then lifted Skye down, close up to her face. He quickly pulled away and let her down. 

"Now that was Amazing!" Everest says, Skating up to her friends. "Thanks!" Chase and Skye said out of breath. They all then Skated towards Ryder and the other pups with amazement, glissianing in their eyes. 

"Now, where did you guys learn how to skate like that?" Ryder questioned. "I actually was professional before I joined the Paw Patrol." Chase explained. "wOw. I did not know that about you buddy." Marshall said complementing his Best friend. 

"Where did you learn how to Skate like that Skye?" Rocky Questioned. I then looked at Everest with a smile. "She actually taught me!" Skye explained, Everest then shed a Imaginary tear and wiped it. 

"My baby's all grown up!" She joked. "But really, I didn't teach you how to Skate like that!" Everest said playfully punching her shoulder. 

"You know, somebody actually taught me for the past couple days." Skye then explained looking at the others. "Do you know who they are?" Rubble asked. 

"No, but he is really sweet. Even though I never heard his voice. He's amazing at Skating, just like you Chase!" Skye smiled, complementing the German Shepherd. 

Chase then looked away Embarrassed. "I'm not that good." Chase said looking away. Marshall then put a paw onto one of Chase's Shoulder's. "Dude, you legit just said you were a professional Skater." Marshall Deafened. 

"Yeah, but I'm still not THAT good." Chase said humbly. "Right. And it wasn't you that just lifted a Cockapoo with ezz. " Marshall teased. Chase just scoffed playfully in defeat. "Whatever." He whispered to himself. 

 "Why not we just head back out and Enjoy ourselves?" Skye Suggests. The gang all nods in agreement as the head out into the rank. 

Everest was teach Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, and Zuma how to Skate, Ryder was watching over the pups, while the other duo skated together. They all talked and had a great time overall. They others watch as Chase and Skye Skate together in a distance. They had looked like they had no care in the world. 

"Those two definitely like each other. " Rubble said, out of the blue. "Definitely." The other pups agree. "Is so obvious, why don't they just tell each other!" Zuma said frustrated, at the ice and at the fact they both like each other. 

"I just want Skase to happen." Marshall admitted. "You all speak for us buddy." Rocky said, comforting his friend with a pat on the back. "We need to help them somehow."  Rubble said, trying to think of an Idea. 

"Your right!" Everest says, snapping her fingers of agreement. The pups then look at her shocked. "What?" Everest asks, puzzled of why her friends are looking at her confused. "Dude. I didn't know dogs could snap." Zuma admitted, repeatedly trying to. 

Everest the lowers Zuma's paw after many failed attempts and shakes her head. "ANYway. We need to think of a plan." Marshall said changing the subject.

 "But how? They are the best at finding stuff out! They will immediately figure out!" Rocky said rather a little louder then anticipated. 

"Figure out what? " Skye said skating up with them next to Chase. It felt like Chase already knew what was going on. He then gave them a 'Don't Try it, whatever you're doing.' look.

  {Wow, the pups give each other so many looks!} "Oh nothing Skye!" Everest putting her paw on Skye's shoulder a little to hard. "Nothing." Everest said looking deep into Skye's soul. 

"OK." Skye said, brushing off Everest's paw. "Why not we head back now." Chase suggests. "Sure buddy!" Marshall said agreeing. Everybody was to acting weird around the two, and they could feel it.

"Ok, what's really going on." Chase said, not being fooled. "Everything is just PEACHY." Everest had said the last part a little louder then needed. "Yeah, sure. We'll talk about this when we get back."Chase said skating away with Skye following close behind.

"Ok, that was WAY to close. " Marshall says, relieved. They then start to skate to the exit of the rank of ice. "You said it marshall." Everest said skating next to him. 

"Why not we head back to not rise suspicion.?" Zuma says pointing towards Ryder, Chase and Skye getting ready to leave.

"Yeah." The pups agree and start to skate back towards the exit. 


Alright! That's the end of this chapter! Tell me how you guys think of it! Stay safe and have a great day Everybody! 

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