4: Tommy

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I was really panicking right now. Wilbur was loosing way too much blood, and Techno was completely dissociated. I was all on my own here. I hated being alone. I hated being in charge, I hated everything. I knew that Wil needed a hospital, so I grabbed my phone and dialed the emergency phone line.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My brother is bleeding a lot. He passed out."

"Okay, what is your location?"

I gave them the address.

"Alright hon, what's your name?"

"I'm Tommy."

"Okay Tommy, listen closely to me. We're gonna help your brother, but we'll need your help too. Is the bleeding slowing down?"

"Yes, a little bit."

"Are you alone?"

"No, my other brother is here, but he's not really responding to me..."

She seemed alarmed by that and I heard her type something before beginning again.

"Is there anything still lodged in his skin, perhaps a knife?"

"No, he pulled it out."

"What does his skin looked like? Are his lips blue or otherwise discolored?"

"He's a bit pale. Oh that's not good, is it? He's gonna die!" I sobbed.

"Tommy, listen to me. Please stay calm. We are going to do everything possible to save your brother. Are you applying pressure to the wound?"


"I'm going to have you tie a tourniquet. Do you know what that is?"


"Okay, find another piece of fabric or cloth, anything that is long enough to wrap around his arm."

"Got it."

"Find a place above the wounds and tie a very tight knot. It needs to be extremely tight."

"Okay, okay... I think I did it."

"God, now can you feel a heartbeat?"

"Yes, just slightly. His heart is going very slow. He's breathing really weird too."

"Can you describe his breathing?"

"It's shallow and kinda fast. I hear the ambulance!"

"Okay good Tommy! When they get there, yell so they know where you are."

"Okay, okay. Don't worry Wil, they're coming to get you."

The sirens got louder and I heard them stop in front of our house.

"Hey, hey! I'm in here!" I shouted.

The paramedics burst in and starting working on Wil right away. They asked me to move so they could do their jobs, but I was scared. Another paramedic helped me up.

"You're doing very good. You're very brave. You may have just saved your brother's life." She told me. I  beamed.

"We're gonna load him into the ambulance, come along."

"But what about Techno?" I gestured to my brother who was still sitting unresponsive a small ways away from Wilbur.

"We'll take him with us too, okay?"

"Okay." I got into the ambulance and a few seconds later the paramedics brought Wil in. Then the last girl walked out while carrying Techno. I watched her put him in another ambulance, which didn't make much sense to me. Techno was okay, he just zones out sometimes. He doesn't need to go to the hospital, does he? My thoughts were cut short as the vehicle starting moving as we made our way to the hospital.

I started crying. I was really worried about Wilbur. I hoped he would be okay. Why would he even do that to himself? A paramedic put a hand on my shoulder and smiled softly.

"This is a very good hospital, okay? They'll take care of him."

I nodded. The vehicle then stopped and we all got out. I saw Techno being wheeled out of the other ambulance. I still didn't understand that, but I wasn't going to argue. I just followed then inside to the point where they told me I had to wait until Wil was stable. But then another  doctor showed me where they were taking Techno an they said I could see him since he was still stable. I eagerly went into his room. He seemed to be coming out of his episode now, and was very confused and distressed. He tried to move away from me when I came in.

"It's me, Techno. It's Tommy."

He seemed reassured by that and stopped trying to get away.

"What happened?"

"Wil got in an accident and I called 911."

He didn't ask about why he was in the hospital too, I think that the knew why. I wish I knew too, but I didn't think he'd tell me any time soon. He just frowned at nothing and turned away from me instead.

"Is he okay?"

"I think so. They said they'd let us see him later."


Techno leaned over and let me rest my head on his chest. I was so tired. Slowly, I let myself fall asleep in his arms, terrified of what was to come.

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