6: Techno

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(A/N omfg I had this chapter all written up and then Wattpad just DELETED the whole entire thing 🥲 I don't remember exactly how it went sooo bare with me)

I knew they'd be sending us to treatment the moment I came to in the hospital. What I didn't understand was how Tommy had managed to get away so easily. He must have picked up some things from me.

I definitely didn't want to go to the hospital, but I knew I had to. Wilbur and I could escape in just a few days, though, so everything would be fine. I just had to make it through these few days, and I'd be fine.

When we got there, it was close to lunchtime, so Wilbur and I were sent to our assigned rooms for a bit and then we're escorted down to lunch. I thought the escort was a bit much, but they assured me it was for my own good. They sat me down a ways away from Wilbur, which was annoying, but okay I guess.

When everyone was seated, they handed us plates with some kind of pasta and a roll on them. I picked at my food, not wanting to eat it. The thought of eating right now made me feel sick to my stomach... or was this a different feeling?

Suddenly, I felt like I was standing beside myself. I could see me sitting at the table, but I couldn't control myself at all. I started really panicking and tried to get away, but I just couldn't. I could see that I had thrown my food on the floor, and somebody was approaching me. I didn't know who they were. I felt so unsafe. I just wanted Wilbur. I tried to look for him, but instead ended up hitting whoever was trying to help me. I hadn't meant to do that. Why was I doing that? I just need Wilbur!

I felt a set of arms wrap around my body and pull me out of the room. I screamed and fought hard to get out of their grip. I couldn't leave, I needed Wilbur! Why couldn't they see that?! I sobbed. I need him, I need him, I... I need... him...

The world started fading away. I realized I was dissociated, and made no effort to stop it. At least this way I could have some peace. I thought I heard someone yelling just before the sound cut out, but I didn't pay much mind to it. I just needed to get away from this.

Before I knew it, everything had gone dark and my thoughts became sporadic and short. My sense of feeling was the last thing to go before everything fully stopped. Something was still holding onto me. What was it? Oh well, it didn't matter much. It was too late to come back now anyway.

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