10: Wilbur

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"What do you mean you 'don't wanna stream'?! C'mon, that's ridiculous. You're fine, you baby."

"I don't wanna do it anymore! People are really mean..."

"That's normal, Tommy! Everybody gets hate, just be a man and deal with it like the rest of us!"

"Wilbur! Come here. Now." Techno boomed. I angrily stomped over to him.


"What gives you the right to talk to him like that?"

"He's being a baby, Techno." I rolled my eyes and scoffed, which only seemed to make him more angry. I watched him take a breath and try to calm down before saying anything else.

"He's a kid, Wilbur. Cut him some slack."

"Why should I? Nobody cuts us any slack, and we're kids too."

"Right, not like there's a big difference between age 13 and 16."

"That's still a kid."

"I mean I guess? Whatever, that's not the point. The point is you need to be gentler with Tommy."

"I don't want to. I don't owe him anything."

"Wilbur..." Techno said sternly.

"Techno..." I mocked.

"Will you just listen to me for once?! See, this is why nobody likes you!" I gasped. I held back my tears and slapped his face. He recoiled, then struck back. Soon we were in a full-on fistfight. Tommy was crying in the corner, probably having a flashback. I suddenly realized what we were doing. I was really fighting my big brother over something that was true. It's true that nobody likes me. It's true that I don't listen. He's right, it's all true.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Stop!"

Techno did. He looked at me hatefully. I took that as my chance to run back to my room and lock the door. I grabbed my blade once more, and ruined my 3 day clean steak. I had wanted to cut ever since I got home, and now it was finally time. I slid the knife against my wrist, making small red lines. I knew I couldn't go as deep this time, considering what happened last time...

The knife slashed into my arm. I kept going until the pain was absolutely too much to handle, and then put the blade away. I tried to count the cuts, but eventually gave up. I just decided to bandage them up so they wouldn't get infected and play some Minecraft. Maybe I should stream since nobody has seen me in a while... then again... maybe not the best idea. I sighed and booted up my PC. Maybe I'd stream later. Yeah... that would be just fine.

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