9: Techno

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Another day passes and it was officially time to put our plan into action. I saw Abby in the opposite corner of the room, farthest from the exit. Wilbur and I sat together, waiting for her to make her move. Wilbur had to give her something in return for this favor, but he didn't tell me what... I wonder what someone like her would want?

Now I could see things beginning to unfold. Abby was an excellent actress. Wil had chosen a good person for the job. She started sobbing and screaming, and the nurse next to us ran over to her. I looked at my brother and nodded. We quickly sprang up and ran out of the door, setting off the alarm in the process. I had a set of the keys in my pocket, and we would need those to get out of the facility. We approached the big outside doors and we really started booking it. Someone was changing us, but they couldn't catch up in time.

Wil and I got out and ran through the city. I lead the way because I knew all the best hiding spots. I was really anxious to get home, but I knew we couldn't go there yet, because there were going to be people out looking for us for a while, and we wouldn't get home in time to be safe. So we were just gonna camp out here for the night. I really hope Tommy is okay. He's never been alone this long before...

Wilbur and I set up camp, and tried to get some rest. Despite being very tired from all of the day's events, I couldn't seem to get to sleep. I watched the stars instead, and thought about my old family.

"Hey! That's not fair!" He pouted.

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

"Boys, boys, break it up."



"I missed you kiddos."

"We did too."

I wiped a tear from my eye. My father had been killed in a car accident when I was eight, and my family was never the same after it. I could still feel my brother's touch on my skin. I hated how it felt. We used to love each other, but now I can't think about him without wanting to throw up. He did something to me that nobody should ever have to experience...

"Shhh... don't tell anyone. It's our little secret."


I bit my lip as more tears threatened to fall. I've never told anyone what he did, not even Wilbur. I just want to forget that it ever happened at all.


I jumped.

"God, I thought you were asleep! You scared the shit out of me."

He chuckled awkwardly.

"You alright?"

I paused, letting the smile fall from my face.

"I guess not."

Wilbur didn't say anything, instead opting to pull me into an embrace. His arms were warm and comforting. I felt safe. Finally, the tears I was holding back broke free.

"It's gonna be okay." He assured. "It'll be just fine."

I nodded and listened as he sung a song he'd written himself. He was embarrassed about his singing, but I thought he was quite good. I loved when he sang. I hummed along with him to the tune until we both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Morning came, and I figured it was safe enough to go home now. I nudged Wil awake and stood up to stretch. We really needed to get home. I really needed a cigarette. I grimaced, thinking it was wrong to want to go home just so that I could smoke, but what can you do?

"Come on, let's go."

"Alright, alright." Wilbur sleepily mumbled, stumbling beside me. I had to walk slowly so that he could keep up until he was fully awake.

We got home in about and hour, and knocked on the door. I heard Tommy are down the stairs, and open the door. He was beaming, but had clearly been crying.

"I missed you guys so so much!"

We laughed and embraced. I hate to admit it, but I really did miss him too. Our family was finally together again.

At least for the time being.

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