8: Tommy

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That was the first night I'd spent alone since we ran away, and I was honestly pretty scared. But I had gotten through it. Now I had to by talk to Tubbo, because I know he's still very confused and worried.

Hey Tubbo.

Hi big T!
You okay?

Yeah, sorry. I was just overthinking.

I'm sorry :(
Did I say something wrong?

I was just worried
It's fine, don't worry about it.

You mean a lot to me.

That last part made me tear up.

"Thanks Tubs." I whispered.

I sighed and went downstairs to find something to eat before my next stream. I picked a few cookies and went back to my room, setting up stream again.

"Hey chat!"

Chat was full of people confused about my last stream.

"Sorry for worrying you guys, I was just a little anxious. I'm feeling a lot better now." And it was true. Tubbo had really cheered me up.

"So anyway, start asking questions!"

Where's Wilbur?

"He's sick! Techno too, something is going around."

What's gonna happen next stream?

I grinned.

"Glad you asked! I have some ideas..."

Stream was going pretty well for about an hour, until I got an unsavory comment.

Those ideas suck.

"You suck." I shot back, blocking the user. But that one comment seemed to be an invitation to everyone else to start telling me how they really feel...

You're so annoying.
You're not the same anymore.
You need to be more entertaining.
Your content is truly awful.

I froze up. This is the second stream in a row that something has gone wrong, and I know people are bound to start getting suspicious.

"Bye guys." I chocked out. I didn't want to do this anymore. I saw Tubbo calling me again and decided to answer.

"Don't listen to them, they're just haters."

I stayed quiet.

"They shouldn't have said that."

I persisted.

"Tommy? Are you okay?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, just keep talking." I croaked out.

"Okay... I just got something in the mail I'd like you to see!" He seemed unsure, but kept talking like I'd asked him to. He stayed for 30 minutes rambling on about whatever was on his mind.

"Thanks Tubbo."

"Anytime. Do you feel better now?"


"Hey, you know you can call me anytime you want, right?"



"Hey Tubbo?"



"Are you sure? I me-"

"No, just forget about it. I have to go."

"Tommy wait!"

I didn't. He called me back, so I turned my phone to silent and laid down. I almost told him about where Wilbur and Techno really went. I don't think that I should tell him that right now though. Hopefully  they'll be home soon...

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