5: Tommy

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I woke up an hour or so later to a doctor saying I could go see Wil. But when I got there, Wil was very distressed.

"They're gonna ship us away to some insane asylum like the crazies we are! They're gonna FORCE us-"

"Wil! What are you talking about?"

"Don't you see Tommy? They'll make us get treatment. I don't want that. I don't need help."

"But... we need it."

"No Tommy! You should go home now while you still can or they'll get you too! They'll fix your stupid eating disorder!"

"It's not stupid! I can't help it!"

"Yeah, whatever! Just get out of here, please!"

As much as I didn't want to, I listened to him. I quietly left the hospital that day and went home. Wil was right, my eating disorder was stupid. What kind of person can't even eat most foods because of their look, smell, or texture? I barely got enough nutrition because I could only eat certain things. It made me feel very sick. I wished it would go away, but it wouldn't. So instead of moping about it, I decided to stream.

I set everything up and made sure I looked presentable, then dialed Tubbo.

"Hey big T! What's up?"

"Hey! Are you busy? Can we stream?"

"Yeah just give me a second, and I'll get on."

He muted and I waited patiently for his return.

"Okay I'm back."

I started up my stream and gave a short intro. Then Tubbo and I spent a few hours together on Minecraft fixing up my house.

Tubbo shrieked suddenly and started yelling about a creeper he'd just died to. I tried to keep myself calm, but I couldn't help it. I started having a flashback.

My mother was knocked out on the couch, leaving three year old me starving with no way to get food. I sobbed and sobbed, trying to get her attention, but she just didn't care. Even if she did wake up, I know what she'd say.

"We have food in the fridge, Tommy."

We did, of course, but I couldn't eat that stuff. All I really wanted was a plain cheese sandwich. That was the only thing I could eat at that time. So I just kept on suffering. I always did.

"Tommy? You okay?" Tubbo quiered. I didn't answer. I got a message, presumably from Tubbo, but I didn't answer that either. I knew chat must be blowing up right now. It took me about five minutes to compose myself enough to end stream. Then I took a look at Tubbo's message. Messages plural, apparently.

What's wrong?
You there?
I'm calling Wilbur

I'm okay now.

What happened??
Wilbur didn't pick up.

I don't wanna talk about it. And Wil is busy.

Seriously Tommy
What's going on? :(
I'm here for you.

I turned off my phone. I know he's just looking out for me, but I can't deal with that right now. I'm just gonna edit a video to distract myself instead.

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