3: Wilbur

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Sometime during that fight with Techno, I stopped listening. Instead, I was being reminded of my father.

"I don't give a shit about you." He sneered, making piercing eye contact with me. "You are useless." He shoved me away. I felt tears stream down my face, which made him even more angry. "Men don't cry!" He cried out. He shaped his hand into a fist and slammed it into my side. My body exploded in pain. "Go to your room." He commanded. I listened, and raced up the stairs.

My heart was racing so fast. I was vaguely aware that Tommy had come into the room, even after I had told him not to. I couldn't do anything about it though. I could still feel his rough hands on me, holding me down. Taunting me.

"It's just a memory, it's just a memory..." I whispered to myself. I needed this feeling to stop. I think Techno tried to say something to me, but I left before he could get a word in. I knew what I needed to do. I stepped into my room, grabbing a knife from a drawer in my desk, and brought it to my skin. I was already littered in scars, what's a few more?

I sliced into my arm. The memory almost immediately began to subside. This was the only way I knew to make it go away, and it worked quite well. I brought the knife back to my skin and made another cut below the one I'd just made. Blood started pouring out of the wounds, staining a part of my carpet beneath me. I made yet another cut, and another, and another...

I had 37 new cuts. They stung violently. I sunk down to my floor. My heartbeat was slowing down now, and I could see the reality of the situation. Fuck... this is too much. I grabbed a dirty shirt from my floor and pressed it to the wounds. Stop bleeding already! Blood soaked through the shirt. I needed help. I needed help right now. I shakily stood up and clambered out of my room.


He was sitting alone on the floor, face expressionless. He did not acknowledge me.

"Techno, I need help. I made a mistake."

No response.

"Techno?" I came closer and put my unaffected arm on his shoulder. He still did not react. Shit, he's like this again. This has happened a few times before, where he's dissociated completely out of reality. I didn't want to leave him like this, but I was getting lightheaded.

"Tommy!" I yelled as loud as I could, but it came out as little more than a speaking voice. Luckily though, he heard me.

"Wil?" His eyes were wide, taking in the scene before him.

"Just help me stop this bleeding okay? We'll take care of him in a minute."

Tommy nodded and walked over to the sink, where he grabbed a few supplies. He pressed a cloth to my wounds and I hissed in pain. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open.

"Wilbur? Stay awake, please. Stay with me." Tommy pleaded.

But the darkness just seemed so comforting...

I let it consume me, and Tommy's face slowly faded from my vision. I wondered what he was going to do next...

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