16: Tommy

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Phil knocked softly on my door.

"Come in..." I groaned. I felt awful.

"Doing okay?"

"Not really." I shrugged. "I wish this stuff would stop happening..."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I guess."

"Okay, go ahead then." He sat down beside me on my bed.

"Well... I just- I just feel like nothing ever goes my way. Anytime I feel like something good might happen to me, it gets taken away. Like, I thought that maybe, just maybe, Techno would actually let you help him, but I guess that's not happening right now... I don't know, I just wish things were better. It feels like everybody wants me to fail. Even my viewers do... they showed me that the other day."

"Hey, what they said was horrible and wrong. They shouldn't have treated you like that. They're all just a bunch of jerks."

"Yeah, I know, but... the things they said were things people have told me my whole life. I've always been alone. People don't like me because I'm weird and stupid. Even my mom thought I was annoying. That's why she always..." I trailed off.

"Always...? Always what?"

"N-nothing. It doesn't matter anyways."

"Tommy, stop that. What did she do? Please tell me."

"She..." I bit my lip. "She yelled at me... a lot. She always told me that I was a waste of space and a disappointment." Tears were rolling down my face. "A-and I always believed her. She said it so much, I thought it must be true. I still feel like a let-down, even now. My content is not very good, especially now. I've really let myself go. I should be doing better!"

"You're doing the best that you can. That's all that matters."

"But it doesn't feel like enough!" My voice cracked. I pulled my legs up to my chin and buried my head in my legs.

"It will always be enough, Tommy. You're enough. Nothing anybody else says matters. Your mother is a liar. She doesn't see know what she's talking about. You're not a disappointment. So many people love you! I love you! That must count for something, right?"

"Yeah... yeah, I guess so." I smiled weakly, still not fully convinced. I wouldn't let him know that though. "Thank you Phil. I love you too."

Phil smiled brightly. I couldn't help but return his energy. Maybe things will be okay.

Or maybe not...

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