{1} I want you to know how deep my love goes

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A mafia boss.

The depictions and stereotypes that we all think of when we hear these words can really make them seem malicious and cruel and blood thirsty killers. 

And, yes, they are these things, but they aren't always monsters.

Everyone has someone, whether it be family, friends, lovers, colleagues - it would only make sense that the world's cruellest mafia bosses have someone as well.

Even Lee Heeseung.

A murderer from the age of 9, after killing his older brother in spite because of the lack of attention he received from his parents. 

His parents? He also killed them. Knocked his disabled mother down two flights of stairs and stabbed his father through the chest 12 times with a screwdriver. He was a blood lusting and sex-lusting demon, as people called him, never to be seen out in broad daylight.

He was said to never have a smile on his face, and no-one ever saw his face without seeing the face of death first. Apparently, he had a huge scar along the front of his chest from the beatings and burns he received from his parents.

He didn't care about anyone or anything. The only thing he wanted was power. It was said that he craved seeing people beg for their lives as he took them into the light and stole what was theirs.

He even had the entire justice wrapped around the tip of his glock, no-one daring to speak against him in fear of him going to carve all the faces off of their family members.

He was an unstoppable killing machine, and nothing would ever stop this rebellious man from committing heinous and insane crimes.

Well, atleast that's what the rumours said.

"APPA!" A very loud voice was heard wailing, followed by little footsteps padding along the wooden floorboards in the luxury home.

"Baby, what's wrong?" The man spoke as he stood up from his desk and made his way to his son, picking up the small child in his arms and wiping the boys tears off his face with his thumbs.

"APPA I FELL OVER AND- AND- BLOOD!" The boy cried on the top of his lungs and pointed to his knee which had a small cut on it, making the man holding him wince slightly.

"Lee Haneul, it's alright. Don't cry, bub, Appa will make the blood go away, okay?" Heeseung sighed while rubbing soothing circles on the boy's back, trying to calm him down.

Meet mafia boss, Lee Heeseung, and his adorable little son, Lee Haneul.

Heeseung ran his hands through Haneul's soft black locks, brushing a few strands out of his son's teary face. This was the fourth time this week that Haneul had fallen over and gotten himself hurt, interrupting Heeseung from his wrapping up his work.

His 'henchmen' and close friends for the past few years of his life, Jungwon and Jay were supposed to be taking care of his son, but the little boy would always find a way to run to his dad while crying.

"JUNGWON-AH, BRING SOME ANTISEPTIC! HANEUL IS HURT!" Heeseung shouted, grunting frustratedly when he got no reply.

"JUNGWON? ANTISEPCTIC?" Heeseung called again, but received no reply making him frown.

It may have been a large penthouse, but he knew Jungwon would be able to hear him. Haneul had been on the same floor as him anyways, so Heeseung wondered why his friend wasn't answering.


The said brunette male gasped and pushed his boyfriend away from him roughly and buttoned up his shirt as he fixed his collar quickly.

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