{6} It's curious that you know, that you feel the same

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"I hate you."

"Love, I said I was sorry!" Jaeyun begged as he grabbed Sunoo's hand in how own, trying to pull the younger towards himself, but the pink haired teacher just pushed him away roughly.

"Fuck you! And you too, Sunghoon-ssi." Sunoo growled as he glared at the silver haired boy who was dramatically sobbing at his desk.

"Babe! Please don't bring out the honorifics on me!" Sunghoon wailed mournfully, making Sunoo roll his eyes.

"Who the fuck would lie about getting kidnapped by kpop idols? At midnight? Are you two fucking with me?" Sunoo cursed both the males making them sheepishly look away.

"Hey, look on the bright side!" Jaeyun cheered, making Sunoo look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And that is?" He asked, but Jaeyun opened his mouth before closing it again, avoiding the pink haired male's gaze. "So, there isn't a very clear bright side..."

"I'm going home." Sunoo announced as he stood up from the teacher's lounge sofa.

It was now the morning of the next day, after a night Sunoo thinks he won't forget for the rest of his life. He had somehow fallen asleep on that rickety bed that he was provided with, after Jungwon came in with a pillow and some sheets, awkwardly avoiding contact with Heeseung who looked like he would murder the younger any moment.

Sunoo woke up to a loud scream from downstairs, but him being his lazy self, he didn't bother to get up and check, instead snuggling into the sheets which he had forgotten weren't his in his bedroom, but rather those of a mafia boss who somehow agreed to shelter him in his home.

Sunoo felt another presence in the room in the early hours of the morning, a dark figure looming right next to him on the bed and close to his face, but he presumed it was his sleep paralysis demon trying to murder him so he also ignored it and fell back asleep, only to wake up to Jungwon shaking him softly.

The younger called him down for breakfast which Sunoo immediately declined, remembering how they had kidnapped and assaulted him before, so it was likely they would poison him as well for finding out about the kpop star's secret child.

He declined the offer to be driven back home, saying that he would catch the bus to the kindergarten. He picked up his phone to see hundreds of messages from Jaeyun and Sunghoon saying that he was extremely late to his work and he was stressed, knowing he had to show up for his class or else the children would be left unsupervised.

When Sunoo asked about Haneul, Jungwon had replied that Heeseung himself had gone off to drop Haneul to school a few hours before with Jay. The pink haired teacher sighed, giving in and letting Jungwon drive him to the kindergarten who happily complied.

The car ride had been silent, but Jungwon was looking back at Sunoo through the rear-view mirror the entire time, as did Jaebeom who had been driving them to the kindergarten. They were both in awe at the pretty pink haired teacher, sharing a look of agreement as they both thought of a certain someone who had taken a liking to this teacher.

Sunoo rushed out of the car as soon as they reached, bowing to them quickly before storming into the building. Thankfully it was break time, so he knew he was going to find his two idiot friends in the staff room.

And that lead to Sunoo deciding to go home. "Sunoo-ah, please. I'm really sorry! I'll buy you mint choc-" Jaeyun said making Sunoo halt.

The red-haired male held up a finger as he pretended to stop himself from gagging before he continued. "Mint chocolate ice-cream." He finished, panting as if he had just downed the horrible tasting ice-cream itself.

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