{9} I wanna take you out, freak you out

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Sunoo frowned as he turned around in bed, trying to stretch his tired limbs. He had a pout of his lips as he felt himself grumble at waking up so early. He got out of bed and noticed that it was still dark outside, making him groan.

He looked over to his side and was momentarily surprised to see Heeseung's green hair tussled over his peacefully sleeping face. The teacher felt his face heat up slightly as he stared at the older male, debating whether he should listen to his head and leave quietly, or listen to his heart and play with Heeseung's fluffy hair.

He decided to listen to his head for once and got out of the bed quietly, heading towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As he was heading back into his room, he suddenly heard soft sobs coming from the room across his and a frown appeared on his lips.

The pink haired male walked up to the door and pressed his ear against it gently, frowning even more when he recognised the soft cries. 

"Han-ah?" He gently called as he opened the door and spotted a small lump under the blanket in the middle of the bed. Sunoo walked up to the boy and slowly lifted the blanket, immediately feeling a pang in his heart when he saw tears all over the little boy's face. 

"Haneul, it's me Sunoo." He said softly but was taken aback when Haneul abruptly jumped onto him and clutched onto him tightly.

He rubbed circles on the child's back wondering why he was still awake this late. "Why are you crying, bub?" He asked quietly and Haneul pulled away from him, sniffling while rubbing his eyes with his fists.

"I'm alone. It's so scary." He said before he burst out crying again. 

"Oh, baby." Sunoo says, feeling slightly guilty because he had been the one to keep Heeseung away from Haneul after the little boy had been by his father's side all his life.

"I want daddy!" Haneul pouted with tears rolling down his face. Sunoo wiped away the young boy's tears, surprised at the way Haneul called Heeseung. The teacher gnawed on his lip, wondering what he should do.

He wanted to stick to his plan of teaching Haneul how to thrive without Heeseung, and if he gave up this quickly Haneul would learn that Sunoo was always going to give in and he didn't want the younger to think like that. But then again, he knew that Haneul needed to sleep and it was his first night away from his father.

"Ddeonu, I want daddy." Haneul repeated and he yanked on Sunoo's shirt softly while crying.

"But daddy is sleeping now, bub." Sunoo explained gently as he ran his fingers through the younger's hair lovingly, trying to calm him down. He didn't want to wake Heeseung up and tell him to go to his son, especially not after the argument they had.

"Ddeonu." Haneul pouted and Sunoo chuckled at how adorable the baby looked, when he suddenly got an idea in his head.

"Haneul, do you want me to sleep here with you?" He asked and the younger immediately brightened up, nodding his head furiously.

"Okay, move over." Sunoo said cheekily and Haneul giggled while shuffling over on the bed to give the teacher some space. Sunoo snuggled into the covers with the younger, the two of them giggling at each other before Sunoo told him that he needed to sleep and bid him a goodnight sweetly by placing a peck on his forehead.

Sunoo brushed the younger's hair and watched him fall asleep, smiling to himself at how adorable the baby looked. Although Haneul was still really young, Sunoo could really see Heeseung through the boy - his doe eyes, his bright pearly smile, his attitude, and his stubbornness which Sunoo had recently found out about.

Haneul was a mini Heeseung in many ways, which explained why he adored the younger so much.

Soon after, Sunoo closed his eyes and fell asleep again, completely unaware of the mafia boss standing by the doorway with a soft loving smile on his lips.

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