{8} Serious, boy, I don't play no games

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Awkward. There was no better way to describe the situation.

Sunoo stared at the little boy who looked up at him with his curious eyes gleaming with hope. Marry Heeseung? What was going through Haneul's head?

"Ah- no...sorry, bub, but I'm not going to marry your father." Came Sunoo's nervous reply followed by an equally awkward laugh.

But this didn't stop Haneul from narrowing his eyes at the older, almost analysing him as if he didn't believe Sunoo. "Why?" Came the question that made Sunoo gulp.

The pink haired teacher was thankful that Heeseung was far away in the kitchen or else it would've been even more awkward. He was called here to take care of this child yet here he was being interrogated by him.

Although he couldn't blame the younger boy, Haneul was not wrong to think like that, especially since he had grown so fond of Sunoo. But then again, Sunoo couldn't help but feel jittery at the question since he wasn't the closest of friends with Heeseung either.

In fact, the relationship they had at the moment was of an employer and employee. Sure Sunoo called Heeseung 'hyung', and maybe there was a bit of sexual tension between them, but that was about as friendly as they got.

"Because I'm too young to get married, Haneul-ah." Was Sunoo's answer, as he deemed it the safest option of escape. It's not that he didn't like Heeseung at all, but he didn't want to give Haneul the wrong impression by accidentally insulting Heeseung as a defence.

"But don't you like appa?" Haneul asked and Sunoo was flabbergasted for a second, the question hitting him like a punch to the stomach.

Did he like Heeseung? Sunoo's first encounter with Heeseung hadn't been the best one, and if Sunoo didn't desperately need money and a place to stay, he would've definitely filed a complaint to the police for abduction and assault.

But that didn't stop his physical attraction to Heeseung.

The tall, green haired male was undeniably attractive, and his voice did wonders to Sunoo's heart. His pretty eyes and his sexy smirk that always resided on his lips had Sunoo feeling some type of way, but he blamed it on his lack of sexual interaction in the past few years.

"I...I guess." Sunoo said, hoping that Haneul would drop the subject and luckily, he did as Heeseung walked back into the room and brought some fruit on a plate and placed it on the table.

"Here, you probably haven't eaten yet." Heeseung grinned while looking at Sunoo who smiled thankfully.

Sunoo reached down and picked one of the apple slices, bringing it up to Haneul's face. "Say 'ah'~" The pink haired male smiled as Haneul did just as he asked, nibbling on the apple slice happily.

Heeseung watched the two with fond eyes, feeling happy at the fact that Sunoo decided to give food to Haneul before himself. He made eye contact with the younger who tilted his head questioningly.

Sunoo couldn't tell why Heeseung was staring at him so intently, but he felt nervous for some reason, so he decided to grab another apple slice and he held it out for Heeseung. The mafia boss looked at the fruit in Sunoo's hand and then looked back at him with an amused smirk on his face.

Heeseung leant forward and opened his mouth to eat the apple slice, but he startled Sunoo who retracted his hand immediately, thinking that Heeseung was going to eat it himself.

Haneul, who had been eating some strawberries on his own happily, looked between the two men and felt the weird tension between the two of them. So he turned to Sunoo and yanked on his sweater gently, grabbing the older's attention.

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