{7} And the sweet smile on your face will do almost anything

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Sunoo didn't expect to be jumped first thing in the morning, but as soon as he stepped through the doors to the teacher's staff room, his two friends had pushed him down to the floor with their eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed in concern and anger.

"KIM SUNOO, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" Jake screeched as he shook Sunoo's shoulders for dramatic effect.

"What are you talking about?" The pink haired male winced. He rubbed the back of his head, only to groan in pain when Sunghoon wacked his head again.

"THE FACT THAT YOU GOT SOMEONE PREGNANT? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU FUCKING BEHIND MY BACK?" Sunghoon yelled in rage, making Sunoo furrow his eyebrows.


"WAIT- DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S PREGNANT?!" Jake said and looked at Sunghoon as both of them gasped and moved off of Sunoo, helping him stand up and rubbing his stomach in concern.

"Why the fuck would I be pregnant?" Sunoo snapped and slapped their hands away.


Sunoo's jaw hung open in disbelief and he had the urge to punch the red-haired male. "ARE YOU DUMB?" Sunghoon yelled at Jake, making the two boys look at him.

"YOU'RE MORE UPSET ABOUT YOUR FUTURE, RATHER THAN WHO ACTUALLY GOT OUR SUNOO PREGNANT? IT COULD'VE BEEN A MAFIA BOSS, FOR FUCKS SAKES!" Sunghoon shouted and Jake gasped in realisation, turning to Sunoo with an accusing look.

"Who did you fuck, Sunoo-ah?" Jake asked seriously with a glare on his face.

Sunoo had enough of them. "I'M NOT FUCKING ANYONE! AND I'M NOT PREGNANT, THAT'S PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, DIPSHITS!" Sunoo yelled at them and they stared at each other in confusion.

"Then why did you take a maternity leave?" They asked him and now it was Sunoo's turn to be confused.

"I didn't take a-" Sunoo paused as he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with a certain green haired male from yesterday. He looked away in disbelief as an angry blush appeared on his face and he was somewhat shocked at the fact that Heeseung wasn't joking about the maternity leave.

"If no-one's pregnant, then why are you taking a maternity leave? For a whole year as well?" Sunghoon asked.

"Do you guys remember the job offer from the kpop idol that abducted me?" Sunoo said.

"DID YOU TAKE IT?" Jake asked excitedly, earning a glare from the pink haired male.

"Hyung, do you even know what the job is?" Sunoo raised an eyebrow.

"Does it matter?" Jake shrugged making Sunoo roll his eyes.

"He wants me to take care of his son. The little boy, Lee Haneul. that's in my class." Sunoo explained.

"I don't see why you need to take a maternity leave for that." Sunghoon stated and Jake agreed.

"He wants me to be his son's personal caretaker. It seems shady, but I need money and he genuinely seems to want someone to help his son, so I accepted the job. I just didn't know he was serious about the maternity leave." Sunoo mumbled the last part, completely unknown to the fact that he had been fired from the job he loved so dearly.

"Does he pay well?" Jake asked, earning a wack on his arm from Sunghoon.

"It's a genuine question." Jake snarled at the silver haired male who rolled his eyes.

"I mean, he'll be paying me more than I get here." Sunoo explained. However he didn't tell that he had been evicted from his apartment and since Heeseung had guaranteed him a place to stay, along with food and water, he didn't really have much of a choice but to accept.

Daddy ||HEESUN||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora