{3} Some tricks in and up my sleeve at the magic show

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Something Haneul would never have imagined was finding his best friend in the form of a cotton candy haired 24-year-old adult male who also happened to be his teacher.

He had come back from the kindergarten, after spending an amazing day with his first friend. The cotton candy man had sat with him all during the food breaks and even played with him in play time. Haneul couldn't be any happier and he felt so loved and comfortable around his new friend.

There were a few instances where his friend would have to go check on other students since he was everyone's teacher, not just Haneul's, but that upset the small boy so much he'd start crying until his friend came back to cradle him.

His father had sent two drivers, Hanbin and Jaebeom to collect the boy and bring him to their new home, which Haneul honestly liked more than their last one because it wasn't in the middle of a forest.

"How was your first day, baby?" Heeseung asked his son as he held the boy in his arms lovingly. 

"It was so fun appa!" Haneul giggled happily, making Heesueng's heart melt as he stared at the boy fondly. Haneul held up a drawing that he had done and he showed it to his father proudly, making the other furrow his eyebrows.

"Oh? What's this?" He asked as he grabbed the picture and inspected it. A smile appeared on his lips when he saw a drawing of a small Haneul holding the hand of a drawing of him, as he could tell from the neon green highlighter that Haneul used for his hair.

"You're quite the artist, Han-ah." Heeseung smirked to his son, making the younger giggle. But then he frowned when he noticed a third figure in the image.

"Baby, who's this?" He asked and pointed to a drawing of another stick figure but this time there was pink swirls on top of their head.

"This is my best friend!" Haneul exclaimed while smiling brightly. Heeseung looked at the boy sceptically, since Haneul never had a friend before. This could be a new threat trying to take over his mafia empire, or even worse, trying to hurt his son.

"Haneul, he doesn't look like a kindergartener." Heeseung pointed out since the drawing of the male was almost the same height as him.

"Maybe it's because he isn't?" Haneul sarcastically smiled while rolling his eyes, making his father scoff at the attitude. Haneul jumped off Heeseung's lap to grab the remote and start watching some tv, meanwhile his father was deep in thought, as a million different scenarios went through his mind.

"Wonie! Jay samchon!" Haneul suddenly squealed as he jumped up and ran towards the couple that had just entered the room.

"Ah!" Jay pretended to scream in fear when Haneul jumped on him, roaring like an animal. He lifted the boy up and twirled him around, making him laugh loudly.

Jungwon smiled at his boyfriend and the young child, but then noticed the moping head of broccoli on the couch. He rolled his eyes and went to sit next to Heeseung, raising an eyebrow at the male.

"You don't seem very happy, hyung." Jungwon pointed out, making Heeseung scoff as he ignored the younger.

"Wonie! Wonie! I made a friend!" Haneul jumped up and down excitedly. Jungwon smiled as he brought the boy onto his lap, holding him tightly.

"Really? Who is it?" Jungwon asked.

"Ddeonu hyungie!" Haneul smiled brightly, showing his bright baby teeth. Jungwon tilted his head confusedly.

"Hyungie? Is he older than you, love?" He asked.

"I think he's a teacher." Heeseung interrupted, still sounding very sceptical.

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