{5} These stars come from within before I knew your name

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"You can stay here for the night."

The pink haired male bit his lip as he tried to hold in any curses that were about to leave his lips. The room in question was a very empty and cold room with only a bed (with no sheets or pillows) and a nightstand with a mirror.

Sunoo spotted a few boxes in the corner of the room that looked very well sealed, probably since they had just moved into the place. He wasn't one to judge, especially since he himself was almost broke, but he assumed that they would've atleast given him decent place to sleep.

In all honesty, the basement didn't seem as bad now.

Sunoo walked over to the open window, looking at the room wearily. He stood by it and stared outside, sighing to himself as he rubbed his face in his hands.

It had been such a traumatic day and he didn't know how he was going to get rid of this headache that was pounding against his skull. Not to mention his busted lip and the fact that his body was still dreary from the tranquiliser.

Jungwon sighed as he noticed how exhausted Sunoo looked. He felt guilty since they had completely misunderstood the situation and Sunoo had gotten injured because of it. The brunette eyed the small drabbles of blood on Sunoo's lip and he mentally cursed Heeseung for being so rough with the innocent man.

"Sunoo-ssi. You look older than me, can I call you hyung?" Jungwon asked gently as he went and stood next to Sunoo. Sunoo looked back at Jungwon and he stared the male up and down before nodding his head.

"Sure, Mr. Wonie Pie."

"Jungwon is fine." Jungwon chuckled at the nickname, feeling a bit embarrassed since his goof of a boyfriend just didn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

"Hyung, I'm going to be honest with you, Haneul really adores you." Jungwon started, making Sunoo smile.

"I adore him as well." Sunoo giggled and Jungwon smiled at the light-hearted sound.

"But I mean it. Haneul doesn't speak to anyone other than me, Jay and his father." Jungwon said, making Sunoo frown.

"Does he have social anxiety?" The pink haired male asked and Jungwon's eyes widened.

"How do you know that?" He asked cautiously.

"I've been taking care of kids for years, Jungwon." Sunoo replied with a genuine look of concern for Haneul which calmed Jungwon's nerves for a bit.

"I'm really sorry for what happened today. I don't usually say this to anyone, but I'm honestly surprised at how close Haneul is to you already." The brunette apologised.

"Do you usually drug and kidnap every person he gets close to?" Sunoo asked and Jungwon shook his head.

"Once again, I'm really sorry, hyung. It's just...we're really protective over him because if anyone gets word of Heeseung hyung having a kid, especially one with a mental health condition, Haneul will be in danger." Jungwon explained.

Sunoo thought it made sense. Heeseung was an idol and he knows how harsh the media was to kpop idols. He couldn't even imagine how Heeseung's career and how Haneul's life would be ruined if the media found out about him having a kid.

Sunoo looked at Jungwon for a few seconds before giving the other a small smile, finding the younger males presence oddly comforting. "Thank you for trusting me with that." He smiled.

"But I'm still pissed at that green haired bitch for punching me." Sunoo grumbled right after, making Jungwon laugh loudly.

"I would be too. Anyways, I'll go get you something for your lip and some pillows and sheets." Jungwon said and pat Sunoo's shoulder. The pink haired male just nodded, not really knowing what to say.

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