Why Me

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"Prisoner 529, against the wall" the guard stated entering the cell.
I groaned from my place on the floor. Finishing my sit ups. I got up and faced the wall. I heard the electric lock on the door open, and two sets of foot steps entered the cell.
"Prisoner 529, because of your crimes, you have become expendable, and because you are not of age you will not be floated. But sent to the ground. You should be thankful" he said mono toned as he put a braclet on my hand.
I winced as I felt needles pierce my wrist.
I rolled my eyes. I always hated that guard . Well all guards, they all mustve been dropped on there heads when they were younger.
"Yes I can feel the love" I rolled my eyes again.
I felt a knee connect with my stomach. I wasn't prepared. So all the air escaped my stomach. I attempted to catch my breath.
"Shut up you idiot" he hissed at me.
"Ya I'm fucking stupid..." I was about to keep talking but was was cut off when a hand met my jaw.
"You want to finish that sentence freak" he said holding his shock lash toward me.
I smirked
"Yes it was quite rude for you to interrupt". I said. I could see the anger build in his eyes. I saw him extend the shock lash towards me. I quickly dodged it, and twisted his wrist. He groaned and dropped it. I picked it up. Before he got up I kicked him hard in the back of the head. I felt arms wrap around my neck I quickly threw them over my shoulder.
I walked over the the first guard and knelt in front of him.
"You know you may not be the stupidest person in the world, but you just better hope they don't die" I smirked. Then got up. But not before giving him one more strong kick to the temple. Knocking him out.
I then walked out of the cell. I heard voices walking towards me, so naturally I ran the other way. I ran down the hallway. I looked back towards the voices. That was untill I ran into someone.
"The fuck" I said looking up.
I immediately recognized those blue eyes.
"Clarke, what's happening to me" I asked as she helped me up. She pulled me into a hug.
"The ground y/n, your going to the ground"
She whispered in my ear.
With that I felt a pinch in my neck. I silently cursed my self for being so reckless.
I couldn't help but let my eyes close.

When I woke up I was strapped into something. I opened my eyes. I felt everything shaking. I looked out the small window.
I'm in a pod, headed towards earth.
My eyes widened.
I felt the pod shake. Fuck I'm going to die. Stupid fucking Jaha, and his stupid bald ass head.
I could see my self getting closer to the ground. I couldn't help but think of my freinds.
Murphy, Octavia, Raven, Bellamy, jasper, Monty, and Clarke. They were always there for me. But they couldn't save me from this.
I thought of my family. Well my father.
My mother was floated when I was born. Along with my older brother. My father raised me. He wasn't floated because he was the top guard. He trained all the guards, including me. He thought it was important for me to be able to protect my self. And I could, with a wide range of weapons. He even insisted on swords, and bows even though I saw no use for them on the ark. He was floated a year and a half ago. The worst part, it was because of something I did.

Some idiot guard thought it would be funny to try and touch me. So naturally I broke his face. When my father found out what happened, he got lost in anger and killed the guard. And I was thrown into lock up for assaulting a guard, and assisting in a murder. And have been there since.
And now I'm in a fucking box, headed towards who knows what.

I saw the ground coming closer, I closed my eyes tightly and waited for impact.
I felt myself hit the ground, my head smacked against something, and I blacked out.
When I woke up, I could feel I was moving, I wasn't exactly sure how. My eyes wouldn't open. I could feel my body hanging on top of something. I could of swarn I heard voices. It was so cold, but I was so tired I couldn't even care. I groaned and was soon taken by the darkness again.

I woke up again. This time I could open my eyes. I was dark and cold. I was in some sort of cell. It was made almost entirely of stone. Beside a small window, with small metal bars. It was freezing. I saw some blankets on the ground. That was all that was in the cell.
I walked over to the blankets and realized they were made of animal fur. I could tell they were worn out and used. But it was still much better than feeling the biting cold. I looked out the window. And was blinded, all I could see was white. I let my eyes adjust.  Snow. Everywhere. It was so white. It hurt my eyes to look at.
I was still confused as to how got here. When I sat back down, I was immediately reminded of the injury from the crash. I groaned, and looked down. I lifted up my shirt, a few minor cuts. I ran my hand down my face. I grimaced when I felt a large area of dried blood on the left side of my face.
When i looked at my wrist I couldn't help but notice that the wrist band was gone. I didn't quite know what that ment but it couldn't be good.
I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep.

When I woke again I heard a door open. I looked up to see two very large men walk towards. Me tried to keep my face blank, but I was terrified. There were people alive on the ground.
They grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up. I shoved there arms off of me.
"No need to grab me perverts" I growled.
The just huffrd and turned around. I followed through the hallway. We walked for what seemed for forever, untill we reached two large doors. They were opened sand i was pushed inside. The two men walked on either side of me. I took in the room. I was large natural light entered the room from many windows. I seemed to be a throne room, like you would see in midevil movies. But this one was very real. We stopped walking, and I was pushed to my knees. I looked up and my eyes connected with icy blue ones. They belonged to an old women. She had blond hair. She had evil witch written all over her. I saw a young girl standing next to her. She appeared to be the same age as me. Then a slightly older man. Who looked to be in his mid to early twenty.
"The fuck are you" I asked. Staring at her.
I felt one of the guards hit me hard on the back of my head.
Laughter filled the room.
"Oh I like you, I can tell you will be quite a handful" the old lady stood up and walked toward me.
"Whats your name child" she said looking down at me.
"Bond... James Bond" i smirked. she gave me a weird look.
I felt another smack on my head.
"Your name child, I won't ask again" she asked gripping my chin.
"Y/n y/l, and no need to touch me" i said getting my head out of her grip.
She glared down at me.
She smacked me across the face hard.
"Dont speak to me like that child" she said face hard.
I just stared at her.
"Well y/n welcome to icenation, I am queen Nia, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us". She said in a sickly sweet voice.
If only I knew what was to come.

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