No More

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I have been sitting in my cell for ours. Some old women came in to clean my wounds. I was also given some clean clothes to put on. They were hardly clothes. Basically rags, but it was better than my ripped up ones from the ark. I was freezing, and hungry. They gave me food, but I couldn't help feel hungry. But despite that I couldn't help the small smile that came onto my face. I was alive, alive on the ground.
My thoughts went back to my freinds. I miss them so much. I haven't seen them much in the past year in lock up, but I grew up with them.
I just hope I see then again.
As I was about to fall asleep the door opened.
The young girl that was next to Nia walked in.
"Here put this on, then follow me" she said then walked out of the cell.
I put on what looked to be somesort of armour, then walked out of the cell. The girl barely looked at me before walking. I rolled my eyes and walked after her. I began to here cheering, and I couldn't help but feel curious.
"Were are we going" I asked the girl walking infornt of me.
She didn't answer for a second, and I almost that she wasn't going to at all.
"The fighting pits, you will fight for your spot to survive. You win the fights. You earn a place." She said still looking forward.
"And if I don't win" I asked skeptical.
She turned to me quickly then kept walking.
"You die"

We made our way into a small room. It was full of different types of weapons.
"Choose anything, but you have to be able to carry it" she said in a bored tone sitting by the door.
I looked over the weapons. All looked to be heavily used, but they were strong.

My eyes were down to two dual swords, and a long staff with two blades on either side. I knew how to use both. I ultimately grabbed the staff.
I tuned around. The girl looked surprised by my choice.
"Brave sky girl, I hope you know how to use that" she said then turned around.
We then walked up to a gate.
"You will be up against three other people, the odds are stacked against you, but the queen wants to test you. If you want to survive you must kill them". She said looking me in the eyes.
My eyes widened. I had to kill people. I can't do this.
The girl must have noticed my distress because she grabbed my upper arm.
"I know you don't wish to kill, but we do what we must to survive. Kill or be killed." She said then began to walk away.
"Do I at least get to know your name?" I asked before she left my sight.
She seemed to be thinking for a second.
"Win the fight, then perhaps" she said.
"When the horn sounds enter the ring, fight smart y/n" with that she walked away. And I was left alone again.
I felt my nerves come back again. I was about to kill people. Or be killed either way it wasn't ideal.
I groaned when I heard a horn sound. I guard opened the door infront of me. I let my eyes adjust to the harsh sun light that entered the arena. I looked around. I appears to be in some sort of stadium. Poeple all around looking to watch. I was disgusted, they watched eagerly, like they werent about to watch people die.
The horn sounded again and I looked around. I saw two big men enter the ring, along with one women. They all stared me down. I couldn't help but feel intimidated.
"Y/n of the sky people, you have been challenged. My people do not take kindly to weaklings, you win the fights you join the ice Nation. You lose you die." The queen preached from her throne. I rolled my eyes. I saw the young girl standing next to the queen and the, other man standing next to her.
"Let the fight begin" she shouted.
I didn't move, I wanted them to make the first move.
I wanted the to think I was weak.
I grabbed the staff weakly in my arms.
I was strong i knew that, despite only being fifteen, I didn't spend my whole life training under my father to be beat in a fucking ice dome by a bitch wearing mangled bone crown.
One of the men finally lost patience and ran towards me, he bruaght his sword back ready to strike, I rolled to the side, stood up and immediate swung the staff, cutting his head clean off. I could do this, they underestimated me. I could see suprise and fear in the last twos eyes. They both came at me at once. I met there stikes, I was mostly on defense wating for the to get tired. The man finally made a mistake and I plunged my blade into his stomach. I heard the women behind me and then drove the staff backwards. I knew I hit my mark my the surprised gasp. The arena stood quite. I looked around and then just walked back to my cell.
I sat down and stared at the blood on my hands. I didn't even hesitate I just killed them. I could feel tears streaming down my face. But I felt nothing. Why didn't I feel anything. Some how the thought of clarke, and my friends came to my mind. God they  would be terrified of me. What is happening to me, iv been on the ground for what a day and I already have blood on my hands.
I felt flinched wheni felt someones hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see the girl looking down at me. She had simpathy in her eyes, but I knew I didn't deserve it. So I just looked down. I didn't know what to say.
"Come the ice queen is waiting" she said pulling me up.
I groaned as I felt a wound I had gotten from the fight stretched. We walked down the hallway, and into the throne room.
"Ah there she is" the queen said.
The girl gently pushed me to my knees infornt of the queen.
"Well I must say y/n I am impressed. You took on three fully trained gonna and survived. All while being a child no less. Perhaps you will be of use." She said seemingly examining me.
I just stared at her, I had no snippy comment to make.
"So hear us what's going to happen my dear, you will be useful to me. I will train you to be an assasin, you will obey my order, you will continue to fight in the pits untill you break. Do you understand" she said looking at me.
I just stare at her.
Apparently that wasn't the right answer, as I felt I fist connect with my jaw. My face snapped the other way.
I looked up at her and just nodded.
My face then looked to the ground. A silent tear rolled down my face.
"Take her to the dungeon, I will be down in a bit" with that i was yanked to my feet. We walked down flights of stares. Torches lit the hallways. We entered a room. I was chained to the wall. A variety of things litter a table. I couldn't even imagine what was going to happen to me.
I heard the door open, the queen, and a big man walked in.
The queen walked up to me.
"Are you ready to begin dear" she asked getting close to my face.
I stared, I saw the big man grab a whip. Anger filled me. And spit on the queen. I saw anger fill her eyes.
"Roan you know what to do". With that she stepped back and the man came forward.
"I am sorry for this" before I knew what was happening my clothes were cut from my body, leaving me in chest binding and underwear. I heard the crack of the whip before I felt it. I gave a grunt when hit my skin. Slowly it got worse, untill it pearced my skin. I screamed untill I couldn't any more. My whole body was dripping with blood. They poured a sticky yellow suspense over the wounds, I didn't know what it was, but it made me feel like I was on fire. I felt fist connecting with my stomach, and face and any where they could reach. I screamed untill I blacked out.

For months this the routine, fight in the pits, be tourted, or as Nia calls it training, and then be fight training by Nia and Roan. I learned how to walk silently, kill, steal, go unnoticed. I couldn't even remember what my life on the ark looked like, what my freinds looked like. What were there names again? I hated that I couldn't remember.

I was tortured every night. ontari, I learned her name I while ago, would come and clean my wounds. She would comfort me. But I didn't beserve her comfort.
The torturing eventually stopped. When I stopped making noises. I learned quickly making noises only makes it worse. I didn't even recognize my self any more. My voice was damaged from screaming making it rasping and husky, much to deep for a young girl. I had a scar going through my right eye from when Nia took training just little bit to far. I was lucky I didn't lose my eye. I have been going on missions for Nia, blinded by my numbness. I followed her blindly killing whoever she told me to. I didn't like the way I was, but I couldn't help the numbness that over took me.
People feared me, where ever I went, when I walked into the street people stared, they knew who I was. They didn't know my story, all they cared was that I killed, I killed for there clan. I never left ice Nation if it wasn't for missions.
I gained my scars when I finished my last fight in the pits, usually asaasins didn't get scars, but Nia thought the one on my eye already made me recognizable, so she thought nothing of adding more to prove that I was hers, her weapon.
The only family I had left was ontari and Roan. They helped me, cared for me, even though I didn't know why. I thought I was a monster.
I barely thought of my life on the ark, and couldn't recall my freinds, my father, anything. All I had left was a ring my father gave me on a necklace.
I didn't know who i was anymore, and I blamed Nia for that, and one day I would get my revenge.

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