Lets talk about it

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"I'm sooo excited" Koda said.
The kids had basicly been bouncing off the walls as he watched the festival being set up. And people flood into polis.

Almost three times as many people were in polis then usual, all here to celebrate the new summer.

"I know buddy, we will go down after we eat dinner, then we can go explore" I said quietly fixing his cloths, and helping him in his jacket.

"Ok mommy" he said kicking his legs excitedly.

I smiled at his excitement.

I grabbed kodas hand and we walked down to the dining room.

We entered and saw lots of people already seated. Clan leaders and representatives sat at the large wooden tables around the grand room. Candles lit up the room along with the dying sunlight.

I smiled as Koda went to run over to roan were he sat. I watched as a smile grew on roans face as Koda raced towards him and cuaght him in a hug. I looked around a viewed hazel and Thomas sitting at the same table. Along with Clarke, Raven, Ontari, Octavia, Bellamy, jasper, Monty, indra, Anya, and echo. And as I made my way over I saw that at the head of the table was the one and only commander. She seemed to have not noticed me yet. Which I was a little glad, I was not ready to discuss what happened earlier outside.

I sat down next to Koda who was next to roan. On my other side was Clarke. The room buslted with noise as everyone greeted eachother and wished eachother a good year.

"So what do you have planned today?"Clarke asked nuding me.

I shrugged.
"I'm not sure I've never been in polis for one of these festivals, ill have to explore a little bit." I said back. Clarke nodded and continued to eat her food.

I felt someone kick my foot so I looked up and saw ontari sitting across the table from me.

"Whats wrong?" She asked

I shook my head
"Nothing I promise" I said back not looking in her eye.

I felt her grab my hand that was sitting on the table so I looked up. She glared at me and I shook my head.

"Fine but we will discuss it later" she said sqeezing my hand. I felt someone stare buring in the side of my head so I turned to look and saw the commander eyes settled upon Ontari and I's inter locked hands. I met her eyes and then quickly looked away.

After dinner was over we all made our way down to the streets. Koda now on top of Bellamy shoulders. We walked through the streets as people dressed in beads and animal skulls  danced passed us as a beat on a drum was playing. Colorful banners from each of the clans could be seen on almost ever inch of walls and were strung on lines over the streets. As we made our way to what seemed to be a the center of the celebration you would see what looked to be the stage. And ibfront of it and open area where people danced to the beat. Stalls of food went up and down the streets, and venders sold treasures from all the clans. I was quickly dragged into the dancing by hazel. But not before giving Bellamy and glance. And after he gave a thumbs up I was comfortable enough to leave Koda alone.

I had my hands on hazals waist as she had her on my shoulder and we danced.

It was not long before ontari cut in.

"Ok dingus spill it." She said as she reached me.

I rolled my eyes.
"Its nothing" I said quietly still dancing with her.

"Ya right it you looked like you weren't even at the dinner the whole time, one worded answers. The only way I could get you attention was smacking your hand. Please just tells me what wrong" she said

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