Well you look like yourself

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Were here, well almost. I haven't felt this nervous since my first fight in the pits.
I wonder if I will see them today. I wonder if i will recognize them.

I could see the gate to tondc up ahead.
I felt somone kick my foot. I looked to my right. Roan was looking at me worried.
"Are you ready for this" he asked quietly.
I shook my head.
"What if they don't remember me?. What if they heard the stories about me, and want nothing to do with me" I asked looking into his eyes.
He sighed.
"I'm sure they have been told the stories about you. They become legends. Stories people tell around camp fires. But if they truly know you, care for you. They will know you were only doing what you needed to survive" he said not looking away from me.

I just nodded. Feeling somewhat assured. But their was one thing bugging me. I didn't have to kill all those people. I chose to. It is only a matter of time before they figure that out as well. It not hard to see the dark in someone when they don't even try to hide it.

"You must hand over your weapons before entering" I guard stated holding a bucket.
I rolled my eyes taking off my weapons. But kept my hidden knives. I wasnt going anywhere unarmed.

I walked through the gates. I had been here before. On a mission. So no one saw me. I would have to pretend I had never been here before.

We entered, people were everywhere. It seemed as though we were the last clan to arrive. We were escorted to our tents. Me and ontari sharing one. I had yet to see any of my old people yet.

"Exuse me but heda has requested your presence in the war meeting" a guard said outside the tent.

"Alright I will be right there" I said to the guard.
I looked to ontari.
"Are you ready? I'm sure at least one of them will be in there? She asked me.
I nodded my head, but stayed quiet

"Are you going to tell them who you are yet? She asked quietly.
I stopped to think for a moment.
As much as I wish to rekindle my friendships, I dont know them anymore, and they don't know me.
"No... no not yet. I wish to know what they truly think of my actions and past before they know it is me behind them". I said pulling up my hood and mask.
Ontari just nodded. She knew how difficult this was for me.
With that we both walked out.
We reached the biggest tent in the camp. I looked at the large man guarding the tent.
He wasn't much taller than me. He barely had to look down to look into my eyes.
"Let her pass" I heard from inside the tent.
I could see the hesitation in his eyes, then he just stepped aside.
I understood why he was hesitant. The coalitions deadliest assasign just stepped into the same room with the person he was supposed to protect.
I walked in and ontari followed.
I let my eyes adjust to the light. I saw that it was only the commander, and two others in the tent.
A dark skinned women, who I believed to be named indra. And another women, with dirty blonde hair. I however couldn't recall her name.
Then my eyes landed on the commander.
She sat on her throne. I had to admit she was one of the most intiminating people I had ever met. But I was not going to let that show. She still had her warpaint the same, as the first, and last time I saw her. Like tear marks. Her red sash still hung from her shoulder.

I walked up closer infront of the throne. I felt her eyes follow me. When I stood infront of her I made eye contact. Her green eyes burning into mine. I heard someone clear there throat. I looked to her right to see the indra glaring at me.
I rolled my eyes before sinking to one knee.
I heard ontari do the same.
"Rise" I heard the commanders voice sound.
I stood up. Standing in the same spot.
"I'm glad you all could make it." She said still only looking at me.
I only nodded.
I could see her sigh.
"I saw that queen Nia only sent a small force. I was hoping for more" she said.
"I was not incharge of recruiting the army only getting them here, I appoligize if it is less than expected" I said looking into her eyes.
The commander nodded.
"I called you here to discuss some small things. We will discuss our plan for the mountain tomorrow. But for now I would like to discuss ice nation's contribution. How many warriors did you bring exactly?" She asked
"About 80, give or take a few" I said.
She nodded. It looked as though she wished to say more, but stopped herself.
"Is that all commander?" I asked getting bored.
"Yes that is all. As I said we will meet tomorrow to discuss further." She said.
With that I nodded and walked out of the tent without another glance.

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