Wet Rat

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The ride up to my room felt like an eternity. I couldn't get the commander off my mind.

"Hey whats going on in the stupid head of yours" ontaris asked bumping her shoulder with mine.

I sighed and gave her a look.

Ontari sighed.
"I know it's hard. And it's not like you can say you didn't try and talk to her. She will talk when shes ready. And if she never is then you know you were not important enough to her" ontari said quietly.

"Dang that was harsh" I said back looking down.

"Look I'm sorry but its true. If she wanted to make an effort to rekindle your relationship, or even talk to you she can. But she hasn't." Ontari said.

I nodded.
"I know I just want to talk to her once".

"I know dude. And you will. She stairs at you far to much to not want to talk to you" ontari said, once again bumping me with her shoulder.

I just rolled my eyes.
"Ok ontari"

As we walked down the hallway to my room I couldn't help but notice it was weirdly quiet.

I gave ontari a look, she just shrugged.

"Maybe Clarke got annoyed and strangled the kid" ontari said jokingly.

That earned her a swift smack across the back of the head.

Ontari rubbed her head.
"Fuck I was joking"

When we were about to reach our door I listed. I heard whispering.

"There planning something" ontari said.

"Well its obvious they are wating for you to walk in"

"Yes so why don't you walk in ontari" I gave her a sweet smile.

"Oh hell no. Who knows what Clarke and your child are doing"

Ontari then tried pushing me towards the door. We quickly got into a fight, one that resembled that of children.

That was untill we heard someone clear there throat.

I immediately stopped, tari didn't get the message so I quickly smacked her upside the head.

"Ow fuck you" she whispered.

I then turned to the person, or people standing ahead of us.

Titus and two women stood ahead of us.

"Y/n if you would me and the commander would like to speak to you. Could we join you in your room." Titus stated calmly.

I looked behind Titus to see the commander and the women I learned named Amy stood.

I nodded my head.
"Of course follow me".

I puased before opening the door for them.

Titus and Amy walking in first. Lexa did not even look at me as she walked past.

I heard what seemed to be a battle cry before I heard a women scream. I quickly walked into the room. I puased as I took in the large amounts of water on the floor

And the two now soaking wet people.

I then looked for the two I knew had caused this.

"Nice one Clarke" I said sarcastically.

Clarke and Koda looked to be trying to hold in laughter as Amy and Titus dripped water on the floor.

"What is the meaning of this?" Amy yelled.
Her face bring red.

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