Dont Know

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I was in the woods trying to calm down.
I knew I was different. I knew what I had done had changed me.
But they all seemed so scared of me. The people I had grown up with, gone to school with, had sleepovers with. Now all thought I was some evil bitch.
Of course they didn't know for sure it was me, but I now knew what they truly thought of my actions.

All of a sudden I felt like I was being watched. I picked my head up and searched the darkening woods.
"I know your out there, and if you wanted to kill me you would have done it already" I said loudly.

For a moment ther was nothing. Then movement to my left caught my attention. I froze when I saw the commander exit, into the clearing from behind a tree. She walked over and sat next to me.

"Its not safe out here at night" she said after a while.

I rolled my eyes.
"What do you want commander? I asked still looking straight forward.

I heard here sigh.
"I wanted to appoligize for my guards action earlier. I also wanted to ask you something."
She said staring into the side of my head.

I didn't answer for a few seconds just scanning the woods. I finally turned my head to look at her. She was still staring at me.
I raised an eyebrow in a silent question.

She seemed to be second guessing herself.
Untill finally she asked.
"I have received a letter from queen Nia. Stating that she has given your services to me as a gift". She said, she seemed to be studying me "were you aware of that?" She asked.
I shook my head. Why would Nia do that?
"No the only thing I was informed to do in my time here was to bring the army, and then discuss attacks on the mountain." I said calmly.
The commander seemed to be studying me. Trying to find any hint of a lie.
It seemed she found none.
She got up and began to walk away.
"Come with me, I need to discuss something with you, and I would rather not have it be in the woods" she said before continuing to walk away.
I rolled my eyes before following.
We walked through the camp, I could feel the stares as I walked past.

We finally entered the tent.
It was lit up by torches and candles.
I turned towards the commander and couldn't help but notice how she was no longer in her usual attire. Simply jeans and a shirt.
Again she seemed to be studying me. Not that there was much to study. I was wearing my long coat, cargo pants, hood and mask.

She began to walk closer to me until we were about a foot away from eachother. She had to look up a bit to look I to my eyes.
I was quite confused on what was happening.

"Why do you wear that mask?" She asked not backing up.
I thought about it for abit before answering honestly.
"Its easier to pretend the blood isnt there if you don't have to wash it off every time". I said quietly. Not looking away.
I saw her eyes soften before she backed up. She walked over to her table.

"I wanted to to talk to you because, I wished to ask you to become my personal guard". She said looking at me from the table.

I looked at her confused.
"You want to have an azgeda assasign as your guard?" I asked skeptical.

She nodded.
"Why?" I asked.
She sighed.
"While it may not be the brightest idea, you are the best fighter in all the clans, and i would like to think if you wanted to kill me you would have done it already. You aren't really known for dragging out your missions. And obviously if you are to be a theat I will be able to keep and eye on you" she said walking over to me.
Once again she stood infront of me. Her green eyes, bright in the light of the torches.
"Do you accept?" She asked.

I thought about if for a second.
"Do I really have a choice?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
She had a small smile on her face.
"I suppose not" she said.
I nodded my head.
"I accept" I said.
She nodded. Watched as she took a knife from her waist and sliced her hand. Black blood flowed from the cut.
She then handed me the knife. I bruaght the knife across my hand.
I then took her hand.
I couldn't but help feel, a small smile come onto my face when I took her hand. It was hidden my mask.
"And it is done" she said. She handed me a rag to wipe off my hand. I couldn't help but notice the small smile on her face.

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