Why so stupid

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It had been two days since the raven incident.
More and more people seem to be connected to the red lady.
Thomas was finally able to recognize her.

"Look at this. There exactly the same" he said pointing to the screen

It showed two women. Identical. Only one was a person, and the other was a computer program.

"So its a program" I asked.

"Yes. Its called Allie. It was designed by Becca Franco, to solve the over population problem in the old world. Let's just say alie took her mission a little to seriously. She released missles all over the world. Killing billions of people. And the planet was named unhabitable. It seems someone is messing with something they don't know. In order to see what the chips do I will need one to study." He said rubbing his temples.

This was a lot to take in. And not much time to do anything.

"I can get you one" I said.

"Alright. But we need to inform the commander first. Clarke is in polis too." He said watching me carfully.

I sighed.
"Ya I know"

"Do you want me to come with?" He asked leaning forward taking my hands.

"Yes. But I think I need to talk to them by myself. But I would like you to come with." I said quietly.

"God when did we get so sappy" he said.

I laughed.

"You ready to go" hazel asked.

"No... but yes" I said getting on the motorcycle.

I started it up, and couldn't help think how much raven would love this.

"Alright let's get this over with. Perhaps we will even catch them bringing the wicked witches body out of polis" hazel said.

Then we were off.

We didn't care about being stealthy. Like we usually did. This was an emergency, that could effect all of us.

We reached the polis gates before to long.

"Alright well you guys wait out here before I give you the signal to come in" I said.

They all nodded setting up the fire.

I then started up my motorcycle and started towards the gate. It was already dark out so I tried to stay quiet. The muffler on the motorcycle made it almost silent.

"Stop. Who are you?" And man spoke.

I kept moving closer.

"Stop and state your name" the man shouted.

I understood it was almost completely dark outside. And I was wearing all black.

"Wanheda" I shouted back.

He puased. Then walked closer.

He looked me up and down. Then I finally met his eyes.
He gasped.
I knew my gold-yellow eyes seemed to be glowing in the darkness.

"My appoligies wanheda. No one informed me you were coming" he said bowing.

"There is no need for that..."

"Xavier" he finished.

"There is no need for that Xavier. And I did not inform anyone of my arrival. I have an important message to give to Clarke kom skiakru." I said.

He nodded and quickly moved out of my way.

"Thank you Xavier" I said moving past him.

"Of course wanheda".

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