This Wasnt The Plan

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*This chapter has mentions and depictions of blood and violence. And may not be suitable for all readers. Read at your own risk.*

*two weeks later*

So she sat, and waited for them to come to her rescue. Chained to the wall, with what seemed like far more than necessary. But expected given what I am. A monster thats what they see me as, but also something that needs to be used.

Octavia, I can't even remember the last time I spoke to her. Could have been hours or days, not that it matters. As long as the plan works I shall go peacefully. The people deserve to be free.

There's also blood, so much blood, all of which is mine. Covering me, my clothes and in puddles on the floor. I look down into the dark liquid on the floor. I see my reflection. A rather terrifying sight. Blood covers my face like a mask.

And my eyes, oh my eyes are the real horror show. My eyes, which are usually bright gold, are now a light gray. But what sends a shiver down my spine isn't the color of the eyes, but what they portray. When I look in my eyes all I see is death. Almost as though I was dead.

I feel my eyes getting heavy as I drift back to unconsciousness. My thoughts fill with a certain burnette.

*two weeks ago*

"I just couldn't do it anymore. At that moment all I wanted to do was die. Now that I look back at it I relize that my emotions got the best of me" I said looking down.

Lexa sat next to me her hand in mine, while she listened to my story.

"The livingstons helped me. I know you wanted to be there for me, but I do truly believe being in polis wouldn't have helped me. Seeing all the people I had saved, just reminded me of all those I killed" I said quietly.

She didn't say anything for a while. I didn't think she would. I know I wouldn't.

I felt her move, until strong arms wrapped around me. My head moved into her shoulder. I felt like crying. But nothing came out. So I just sat there with the girl I loved.

"Octavia" Lexa says as she sees the girl walking toward her and Indra.

"What happened?" "Where's Y/n?" She asked, face stoic. But no one knew just how worried she was on the inside.

"We got it done, but we couldn't get y/n out without them knowing something was up. So she told us to leave and continue with the plan". Octavia says worry for her friend is clear on her face.

Lexa nods, dismissing them and walks into her tent. She worried, she's so worried about losing the girl she cares about. That all that y/n did, all that she has been through would just end up with her losing her life. Lexa couldn't bear to live in a world where there was no Y/n l/n to challenge her every move, make her see light in the dark, and help her find purpose in her life again. She wouldn't lose her too. She promised me she would be alright. She won't break her promis, she can't.

*a few days later*
Its dark outside when the armies in the woods surround Arkadia. The whole situation accelerated quite quickly. After the alie was deactivated, it left Arkadia in tragedy. The people who were previously under control were looking for some explanation. We were just unfortunate that pike was there instead of someone else. He was able to convince them. That this was Kanes fault. He was the reason conditions were bad in Arkadia. And people believed him, they were looking for a leader in the rubble that was there minds. Unfortunately pike being pike now had the power to go against the grounders. He killed the army sent to protect them from ice Nation. His only defense was 'kill them before they kill us'. Almost everyone in Arkadia agreed with him. Almost like they were somehow under his trance. We also learned to late about his new found fascination with y/n condition. We had no idea how he had even found about it so quickly, almost like he was watching us. If we had known that we wouldn't have sent her to collect the chip, and infiltrate Arkadia. Because as soon as she entered she was captured. Pike didn't care about anything besides capturing her.
Raven has also found her way back to us. One of the only good things to happen these past few days. She still in Arkadia, acting as a spy.

The people inside the metal walls didn't expect a thing. Thanks to y/n's plan and her friends they may be able to solve this issue with less bloodshed than they thought. Lexa couldn't wait to see y/n again and was ready to tell her everything. 'If we make it to y/n in time' a voice in Lexa's head said. But she quickly willed that thought away. She would see y/n again and they can finally have peace.

Raven radios them that the electric fences are off. So they slowly make their way towards the fence. They clip the fence and slip inside. Lexa is dumbfounded with how clueless the Arkers truly are, and wonders if the delinquents are truly one of them.

They get into position and then Lexa sounds the signal.

To say the plan went well is an understatement. They had all the guilty Arkers in lock up and guarded by over twenty Ark and grounder soldiers. They wouldn't get away this time. But then Lexa noticed three very important people were unaccounted for. And a spike of horror ran through Lexa. Abby, Pike and y/n were nowhere to be found.

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