Why You

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A group of maybe twenty people. Several tents set up, along with three campfires. People sat around all of them.
Ontari and y/n had tracked the bandits for miles. They had been spotted in a large village in trirku. The locals stated that they had captured 7 people that were there visiting. We followed the trail till we reached there camp. Our objective to not only kill the raiders but saved those that they kidnapped.

We sat just out of sight from the light of the fire, patiently waiting for the poison we put in there water to work. It wouldn't take out everyone, but it would help seeing as there are only two of us.
Slowly but surly they began to drop the others to drunk to notice there commrads demise.

Y/n and ontari took this chance to move closer. The three tents sat behind the fires, but it seemed everyone was around the fires.

There were only 10 left after the position took affect.

Y/n quietly made her way up behind the closest one. She drew her knife across there neck before they could react, and slowly laid them down. Four others met the same fate.

A rather large man crashing to the ground cuaght the attention of the other five. They stumbled up grasping there knives, as the stared at the two assasins.

"Get them" a snotting looking man yelled.

The men and women charged, there swings slowed down and relaxed by the alcohol.
One came at y/n and she quickly grasped rher arm, throwing them over her shoulder, they landed in one of the fire pits with a scream.

Once the fighting had finally died down, the finally took on the destruction. 20 bodys, all accounted for littered the ground.

Y/n sighed at the sight.

"Come on lets go check on the poeple, they got to be in one of these tents" ontari said quietly grasping y/n shoulder as she stared blankly.

They walked into the tent on the far left and saw if was only beds. So they walked out to the middle tent. Tha largest. The entered quietly to make sure no one was hiding after they heard fighting.

When there eyes adjusted to the dull light. They made out 7 people tied up various poles inside the tent, all with bags over ther heads.

Ontari walked over to one of them. And shook them a little.

"Hey can you hear me, were hear to help, I'm going to take the bag off now." Ontari said kneeling infront of them.

They did not move or say anything.

Ontari carfully lifted the sack from there head.

I could see here jump when she took the sack from there head.

"What? What is it?" Y/n asked

"Well what are the odds" ontaru said breathlessly.

I curiously moved so I could see the person.
I gasped as I saw slightly over grown hair. The man appeared to be mid to late 20's. His body still wearing his skiakru guard jacket, although it seems as though it has taken on some grounder fashion.

"Bellamy... omg" I whispered.

"Are they... are they died?" I asked quietly.

I saw ontari bring her fingers to his neck.
She shook her head.

"No just knocked out. It doesn't appear to be from being hit in the head, it look s like they were given something to make them fall asleep. Other than that they look fine." She said still looking him over.

"Why did they take them?" I asked.

"Ransom, I assum. Even bell boy hear is worth some money. I'm sure the ark would pay to get him back. And I can't imagine who else is under these sacks." Ontari said.

I nodded.

We slowly took off the hoods, reveals various people.

Echo. Octavia. Raven. Clarke. Miller. And...

"Lexa? How... how do they have the commander, and no one realized" ontari asked.

I couldn't move I was frozen staring at my family. The people I left. Again. And the girl I loved. All sitting there unconscious. I felt my breathing get faster, but there was no air to breath.

"Y/n... y/n!! Hey" ontari called after me as I ran out of the tent.

I collapsed on the ground still not getting air into my lungs. I gasped. My vision started to get black.

I felt arms wrap around me and bull me to sit against them. They pushed down on my chest then moved away, then pushed down. I vuagly heard words being spoken into my ear. I tried to concentrate on them.

"Breath in y/n take a breath, when I push on your chest breath out, then take a deep breath till your chest reaches my hand." I heard the voice say.

I tried breathing in. Pain erupted in my chest.

"Good y/n keep going" the voice said.

My breathing slowly went back to normal. I looked down to see the familiar jacket of ontari.

I finally relaxed into her.

She didn't say anything just gave me a tight sqeeze.

"You don't have to see them, we can just leave right now. They won't even know." She whispered.

I was about to answer before we heard tent flaps open.

We quickly got up. People began walking from out of the tent.

Ontari and I stood about 60 feet away.

I wasn't sure if they could se my face or not in the moonlight. But I could see them from the light of the fire.

"Hey come one lets go" ontari said grabbing my arm.

I turned my head but not before making eye contact with the one girl I could never stop thinking about.

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