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Yoongi watches as Taehyung laughs with his friends in the small cafeteria that's located near the school. He sits in his own seat in the cafè just observing the group.

More specifically, Taehyung.

His smile always has seemed too real if that makes sense.

Call Yoongi jealous all you want, he would openly admit it. Taehyung has the life that everyone would want.

A big home, supportive parents, lots of friends, good looks and everything at his fingertips.

Not to mention that he's popular and has perfect grades.

Perfection is the only word that you could use to describe Taehyung. He's so utterly perfect that it makes Yoongi feel sick to his stomach.

Yoongi himself doesn't live in the nicest part of  Daegu. He lives in the area that no one would be crazy enough to go into unless they have a death wish.

Cliché. I know.

The bad boy of the school lives in the rough area. But that's just how his story goes.

Taehyung has the whole school falling to their knees and bowing down to him like royalty.

Yoongi has them running as far away from him as possible.

Some say that he's intimidating, others say that he's just plain rude.

The phrase 'dont judge a book by its cover' basically describes Yoongi's life. He hates how quickly people are to judge him. It's unfair.

But what he doesn't realise is that he does exactly the same thing to Taehyung.

He judges him without knowing him.

But Yoongi doesn't ever want to get to know him, afraid that he won't live up to the youngers perfect expectations.

Yoongi has so many flaws but he couldn't give two shits about them. He wouldn't want to be perfect anyway.

It's just so boring.

So here he sits, staring at Taehyung from across the room, feeling his skin tingle with every laugh Taehyung makes.

He feels sick.

He walks up to the counter to order another drink.

"What can I get you?" The barista asks him nervously.

"Black coffee to go please" Yoongi spits.

He pays the barista and stands to the side, waiting for his drink. That's when he sees Taehyung get up and walk up so that he's standing next to Yoongi.

"Hi" Taehyung says merrily to the barista. "Pease can I get a black coffee to go" he says, using his charms.

Yoongi frowns.

Since when did Taehyung drink black coffees? He looks like the type to drink something sweet, something to fit his personality.

"Ofcourse sweetie. Anything else I can get you?"

"No that's ok thank you. Although I wanted to let you know how pretty you look today"

"Awe thank you Tae. You're so sweet"

Taehyung giggles and looks away.

The younger male looks down, and that's when Yoongi sees a frown on his face and tears in his eyes. It surprises him that Taehyung looks so vulnerable.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and lifts his head up. He notices Yoongi looking at him and flashes the elder male a warm smile before putting his face mask on.

This action shocks Yoongi. He didn't think Taehyung even noticed him considering that nobody ever does.

"Here's your coffee" the barista says to Yoongi.

He takes the coffee and walks out of the coffee shop as quickly as possible, wondering if Taehyung smiled at him, or if it was just the light playing tricks on him.

"The lighting was rather bad in there" Yoongi mutters to himself. "It would explain why it made him look sad. Someone like him has no right to be upset"

The bitter emotions that flood off of Yoongi keep everyone at arms length to him.

Well other than his best mate Namjoon and his little brother Jungkook.

Yoongi is a simplistic person. He doesn't need the drama of having lots of people around him. He just needs the important few.

Yoongi walks back to school, hoping to grab a nap in one of the music booths.

He finds one unlocked and goes inside. Its pitch black and smells of vanilla and lavender. Its rather soothing and makes him feel safe.

"I'm taking this booth" Yoongi grumbles to himself. "Anyone who disagrees will have me to answer to. And everyone's too scared of me to do that. Even the teachers"

He scoffs to himself.


In this room, you can see out through the glass, but it's tinted so that nobody can see in. Its the way Yoongi likes it.

Yoongi shoots Namjoon a text letting him know that he's found a really cool recording studio and has claimed it.

Then he starts writing down song lyrics. Its the end of the day so he knows nobody will come in and disturb his thought process.

Yoongi is an underground rapper, he goes by the name Agust D.

He's already released his first song Agust D, and it even got really high on the billboards. Nobody knows it's him though. Whenever he performs, he wears a facemask in the shape of a devil.

Nobody can find out who he is.


So he hides behind a mask everyday.

Its rather poetic if you think about it. A scary boy, too scared of being in the limelight. Too scared of not being feared.

Yoongi writes that down before crossing it out.

He doesn't do emotional songs.

Emotions are for the weak. And Yoongi isn't weak.

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