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Taehyung excuses himself to go wash up in the school bathroom before school starts.

It leaves Namjoon and Yoongi alone to talk.

"You've taken a liking to him" Namjoon tells Yoongi as if it's a matter of fact.

"Maybe" Yoongi shrugs it off.

If he doesn't allow the other person satisfaction of him being defensive over the matter and owns it rather than fights it, then less attention is drawn to it. It means that it no longer becomes interesting. It means that nobody cares.

"Why do you like him though?"

However, unlike most people, Namjoon isn't going to drop the topic. Not when it concerns his best friend.

"I mean he's just a pretty boy who can do no wrong" Namjoon continues.

"That's where you're wrong" Yoongi says with a laugh.

"He's not pretty?"

"No he's a fucking god" Yoongi says. "What I mean is that he can do wrong. He's not the perfect child"

"Like what? He always gives everyone he sees a compliment, expecting nothing in return"

"Part of that's true, but he doesn't not expect anything. When I was in the cafè at the same time as him, he gave the barista a compliment and got a free drink. He flashes everyone this stupidly fake smile that makes all their hearts flutter to keep them from finding out the truth about him. There's something wrong with him, something about him doesn't quite make sense and he's trying so hard to be this perfect guy. He's not a good guy, he's vindictive. And I fucking love that about him. Its so intriguing"

"Maybe the free drink was just a coincidence? I don't think he's as vindictive as you think he is. And does your heart flutters when he gives you that smile?"

"Ofcourse my heart flutters. How could it not?" Yoongi cries. "It annoys me that he's got this effect over me. It makes me feel stupid for having such emotions towards him. I mean what does he want from me? I have nothing to give and I don't care about who he truly is"

Yoongi ponders why Taehyung gave him the coffee this morning and why Taehyung choses to see Yoongi for the person he is, not the scary persona he choses to pretend to be.

What he doesn't realize is that Taehyung does it for the way he feels around Yoongi. The feeling that he doesn't need to pretend, he can just be himself.

And that he's actually starting to really like Yoongi. He's interesting.

"Do you have feelings for Taehyung?" Namjoon asks.

Yoongi only laughs a fake laugh and shakes his head.

"Is that a no?"

But before Yoongi can answer that question, Taehyung walks in. His brown hair with green tips is slightly damp still and it's becoming rather fluffy.

He wears a baggy top and jogging bottoms, although despite the compfy outfit, anyone could tell that Taehyung's body is handsome and well defined.

"You're too skinny" Yoongi tells Taehyung. "Fatten up a little would ya"

Taehyung nods and bows slightly. His formality shocks Yoongi. Namjoon isn't particularly surprised, but his best mate is beyond shocked.

"Sorry hyung"

"Drop the formalities Taehyung. No need to talk to me all people like that" Yoongi tells him.


"Stop apologising" Yoongi feels exasperated, what's gotten into Taehyung?

Taehyung nods and picks up his paper of song lyrics.

"Are we going to record this thing?" He asks quietly.

Before anyone can answer, Taehyung's crouching down with one hand on the table. He starts coughing uncontrollably. He struggles to breath as his lungs feel like they're collapsing in on him.

This is the most unattractive Namjoon and Yoongi have ever seen Taehyung even though he still makes coughing look angelic. It does make Namjoon feel a little better that even perfect people have coughing fits.

Yoongi hands Taehyung a water bottle once the coughing has ceased a little. He doesn't look at Taehyung, and Taehyung never looks up at him. He just takes the water bottle and drinks half of its contents.

"T-hanks" Taehyung croaks out.

"We aren't recording today" Yoongi says, not acknowledging Taehyung's appreciation.

"What why not?" Taehyung asks.

His little outburst causes him to start coughing again. He drinks his water to try and sooth his burning throat.

"Look at you" Yoongi snarls. "I'm not having you fuck this up for us. Especially as you're the one who needs a 'perfect' grade because 'good' isn't good enough for someone like you"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung challenges.

"Guys knock it off yeah?" Namjoon tries to intervene.

"No Namjoon hyung let him speak" Taehyung argues back. "He seems to have rather a lot to say afterall"


"Yeah you're right I do have a lot to say. You're so arrogant. Your ego is shoved so far up your arse that it pisses me off. You pretend to be this great guy but I'm actual fact you're a waste of space. You're a nobody pretending to be a somebody. It won't last for long. People will see you for who you really are"

"And who am I truly?"

Yoongi doesn't respond.

"Come on" Taehyung urges him "you've come this far. You might as well say everything that's on your mind"

"Fine. You're a vindictive arsehole who thinks way too much of himself because you're so fucking insecure"

"And there it is. The truth"

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